After Malaysia Phuket was a welcome touristy break. There were tourists everywhere and a disgusting amount of white middle aged and older men with 20 something Thai girls. The beach was really nice and we did a day tour where we went to a snake show, went on an elephant trek, saw pinapples in the ground (I thought they grew on trees) and tasted some durian which tastes better than it smells but I wasn't keen on it. The elephant trek was very good but quite frightening. We went to a monkey place but it was horrible as they all had metal bars aroudn their necks and were being paraded around as if they were small children. We also saw a massive Buddhist Temple.
In Phuket we also went to a Caberet show full of lady boys. It was different and entertaining but I just spent the whole time trying to figure out if they were male/female/a bit of both. Very very strange.I also had a foot massage for 4 quid which was excellent. It wasn't as relaxing as I had hoped because every time she got to my toes I was paralitic as it tickled so much. Also I had Brett next to me who was even worse. It did feel good though and she did my legs a bit as well, and stuck a wooden stick in which hurt a bit.
I also had a Japanese facial at Phuket which was felt like I was having minor surgery as they stuck a small metal thing in my head to remove blackheads! It was very nice though and of course cheap!
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