Wow we keep reading your messages with envy, thinking of you both on your tandem, only three weeks now before bump will be in the real world, we'll let you know when the crazy dude arrives! Maybe have to give my computer back for a couple of months but I am sure mum and dad and hays will let you know how we are getting on.
Thoughts are with you both and the crazy dogs, who I am sure just want to play with you!?!?!?
Lots of love,
A very large Sister!
Brian & Nigel
We are both really pleased to hear that all is going well with your big adventure. Nigel and I really enjoyed the Saturday we spent with you all on the eve of your departure.
We will follow your progress with interest and envy, keep safe but have fun, and don't take your clothes off on any buses as I realise now that was not good advice but only the ramblings of someone on the verge of psychosis.
hey tish and jonny
its scudder gald to here everythiung is going ok. its good to here from you. you have gone so far already you must both be pretty tired. did i tell you what happened when i got back from your leaving party. the boiler broke and i didnt get any rest before work any way. well keep updating its great to here what you get up to. have a fun and safe journey.
love Scudder x
Mel, Tom, Bump And Winston
Just a quickie, you sound like you are having an amazing time, elephants, monkeys and lizards, careful Jonny doesn't turn into one! All well here, bump large and only 7 weeks to go! Keep us posted where you are,
Lots of Love, Jonnys Sister
Yer Mother
Hello ma wee chicken
Well I still can't believe that your away for a whole year, and here's me and Dad missin you so much. However it sounds sooooooo good so far. What a fright we got when you phoned us at 6am on Sunday, Dad leapt out of bed and nearly fell down the stairs looking for the phone. Only you would forget what day it was, not Monday. What on earth will you be like in a few months time. No matter please keep phoning me as I need to her that wee voice! You drive me mad where you are here, yet I can't stop missin you.
Met Denise today, she looks fabulous as usual, and she's keeping up to date with you two. Charlotte's business is doing really well, and her opening night was a great succes (still can't spell). Will send you a personal e-mail with all the goss
WOW! cant believe you have gone already its just crazy but soooo exciting! make sure you save all lil things you get and make a scrap book! they are the best keep sakes ever!! however you might find they get pretty heavy hahahah so not sure where you'll attach it you your bike!!!
anyways glad to hear you had a good night at your leaving do! sorry couldnt make it back down in time was a lil hectic with being in manc-then liverpool and then finaly london! Charlies salon launch was a massive success lloks like the 8th october is the best day invented as its also the day i went travelling in 04 too!! heheheh
scary!!! aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
i have been tracking you so make sure you update it!
Carole Naylor (Laura's Mum)
Going to Japan to see Julie next month and got Railpasses from Sta Travel Couldn't believe it when I saw you on their web site! Read all about you with avid interest! Sounds like your having a FANTASTIC time! Phew what a great adventure! Laura is in Mexico and home in January. Cant WAIT to see her! Also to meet Brendan too!
Keep safe and will continue to read all about your travels!
Lots of Love,
(Laura's Mum) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hayley Kneale (Jonny's Little Sister)
Soooooooooooo jealous now!!
Been teaching Maths all day, just looked at your photo and message and want to leave my job already!
Keep cycling and enjoy it all.
Booked my holiday to New York over Xmas, fingers crossed for snow on Xmas Day.
See you in a year or next Summer maybe some where abroad.
Love you
Lis And Colin
Just a quickie to see if this is different from an E-Mail! We have sent E-Mail also. Just in case you don't get it this is to say we got your message from Bangkok it was lovely to hear your voice. Have a lovely time. Mum and Dad (Kneale)
Denise & Charlotte
Dear Lettia & Johnny
Hope you both have a great time, keep safe! Busy preparing for charlottes opening of her salon, todays a big day for both of you girls! Hope your mums not going to be too upset, I will make sure she has a good drink tonight and a good time.
lots of love charlotte, denise, steve & jamesxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx