Hi there both of you. Glad to hear your having a wicked time. I'm soo jealous!! Still at least there's xmas to look forward to and moving into our new house in the new year. We are putting our tree up tomorrow. Can't wait. I love xmas. Where are you going to be on xmas day? Have you planned something special?
Lara ;-)
Well helloha !!!
Soooo great to read your updates and to see your progress. (even fwd them on to other friends who are just as intrigued as I am ;-)) Loving your journals and your photos ! (apart from the dead snake ones! :-)) Think of you and your travels often and really hope you are having an amazing time.
Hope you have a fantastic Christmas and all the best for the new year. Enjoy the ride guys, BE SAFE and looking forward to hearing all about your adventures !
Love La xx ;-)
Hello Chicken Licken & Jonathan
Wow! Don't you two look great, I'm lovin every minute of the script in you travel journal. I bet you can't wait now to get to Oz, just think, you will be there for Xmas and New Year, you really are living your dream.
We are so happy for you both, but don't stop phoning, cause I still need my fix of your wee voice. Daddy and I (well mostly Daddy) have been busy decorating the house in London, and we are nearly there. We are looking forward to New year with the Scottish Bunch.
Keep Smilling, take good care of each other.
Mel, Tom, Joshua And Winston
Hello, hello, hello, We keep missing your calls Jonny, dashing for the phone but not quite making it! Anyway we are all well and doing fine, i had a to stay in hosital for quite afew days as I was quite ill after Joshuas birth but am fine now, home and loving being a mummy! We are just getting into our own little routine and it seems really natural. You will laugh Jonny but when Joshua has a paddy he really does look like you, he has jet black hair and lots of it and blue eyes. He is a bundle of joy and will be excited to meet his uncle Jonny and aunty Letitica in 2007!
Still got my computer for a few days so will keep checking your blog, its great to hear what you are both up to and you both look so well, that fresh air, sun and cycling. When are you off to Australia?
Will try to get to the phone quicker but seem to be feeding Josh when you ring!
Keep cycling and loving it,
Lots of Love, The Slater Family
Carole Naylor
Hi Leticia and Johnny
Continue to read of your adventures with great excitement! Sounds like your having a wonderful time and enjoying your travels immensley!
Laura will be home a month early! Arrives back on 10th Dec and we are sooooo excited as she has not been home for Christmas for three years, so we are going to have a whale of a Christmas here in Preston!Great to see Julie and meet Takeshi, Japan is a great place to visit!
Keep safe and keep happy, lots of love and big hugs
Carole Mark and girls xxxxx
Mummy & Daddy
Hi Jonny and my little angel!
The photos are fab, I can't believe your still wearing the same clothes. Letitia get a wee lippie and mascara, however you do still look beautiful. Well I'm still tidying your room up since you left, there's so much stuff (all essential of course).
Jonny! What's with the wee beard! Yuk!
Letitia shave it off when he's sleeping! He won't mind. Will you Jonny?
It's nearly Christmas, and I will miss you both so much, but keep smiling, and having fun.
Love forever
Mummy & Daddy
Brian & Nigel
So good to read your news. Sounds fantastic. I love to hear about the food bits. Make sure you bring back some interesting recipes. I used to have a friend from Singapore she was a fantastic cook. I can still remenber the lovely tastes... oh my mouth is watering.
Nigel and I have finally moved into our new home. So nice to feel a bit more settled. Look after yourselves.
Ps it's been raining here since last Thursday!
Joshua Slater
Hi Uncle Jonny and Aunty Letitia
I was born this morning weighing 7lb 2oz and really happy that you are my Uncle. Mummy is well and daddy is shattered. enjoy your travels love Joshua.
Lis And Colin
Hi you two,
Just been viewing all your photographs, George Town looks fabulous. Glad you are enjoying yourselves, sent E-Mail yesterday, Love Mum and Dad.
Tiffany (Big Cus Of Geri)
Hi hun and Johnny hope the two of you are doing good and having the best time. Still cant believe that the both of you are traveling on a bike and sleeping rough total madness, and heres me not even willing to sleep in a car in the middle of nowhere in cornwall. I hope you packed your fenagen Tish? Am in this great place called middlesbrough most people here dont have bikes cos they get stolen or re-posessed. Its my graduation week so am here catching up with all my uni mates. Well am off to get boozed up so keep in touch love you guys loads xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hayley (Little Sis Of Jonny)
It's 6.15pm and I am still at work (you know Truro College - fond memories I bet!) marking, writing references and reports!! It is so good to hear you are both having such a great time, I enjoy looking at the photos. Letitia you are looking so slim and Jonny so swathy!!
Off for a swim soon. Have bought a camel pack buoyancy aid to wear when I sea kayak, Alex bought me a Silva compass which fastens to my kayak as well, I might paddle round the world to see you both soon....
Am really excited about being an Aunty soon, will get Mel and Tom to post photos when it happens.
Take care of each other.
Love Hayley
Mummy And Daddy
Hello my little chicken, and Jonathan
daddy and I are still here in a very warm and sunny Cyprus, and loving every minute of it. We miss you loads and loads but are so happy that you are having the time of your lives, savour every minute of this precious time. I know how you must feel about being together 24/7, your father is driving me up the wall at certain times, however I on the other hand am the perfect wife!
we been so busy and excited about moving here, today we have chose the tiles for most of the house as well as the bath and other things. Well I'll need to go now because your father is moaning as usual at me to hurry up so speak to you soon my little angel