It was a sad day today as a nice day relaxing turned out to be the first day in 8 months that we have had something stolen from us. What you ask? Charlottes black havianna flip flops, her pride and joys and a gift from a dear friend.
The Incident.
Around midday day we sit and brainstorm ideas for Matt's best mans speech, when an old women (staff of the beach resort) begins sweeping the beach around our loungers. She is acting on edge and very peculiar, so much that we each comment on the women who is invading our space. We came to the conclusion that maybe she wanted tips and something. Half an hour goes by and the flip flops are nowhere to be seen. We think that maybe a wave has rolled in and moved their location or maybe the guy next to us with the same flip flops has mistakenly picked them up. We soon ruled the latter out as his feet were bigger. Then we ruled the wave theory out as no waves had made it that far up the beach. The mystery continued until over lunch about an hour later we simultaneously looked at each other and said "the sweeping women". Blood was boiling at the thought that they had been stolen but then again we can't just march in and accuse the suspect with no hard evidence. Our plan was to go to reception to ask if any black flip flops were handed in earlier in the day but as we got to reception the needy eyed beach sweeper was sat on the floor. Calmly and by no means at all accusing her was asked if she had seen charlottes flip flops. Her reply was a shrug of the shoulders as if to say "I can't understand English". Matt replied "Ok we will go ask at reception." The beach sweeper erupted in anger and all of a sudden she could speak English and was claiming that she didn't steal, she had her own boots. This scenario unfolded more as Matt went to enquire at the reception and the old lady continued to protest her innocence when we hadn't even accused her. That was enough for us but knowing we were never going to see them again we returned to the beach. Still astonished by the obviousness of her lies we realised something.....
The beloved black havianna flip flops weren't actually Chars anyway. A week or two ago she left the original pair outside a hostel (common practice in Asia) and when she return later on she found an identical pair but a size too small. So not only had Char been wearing small flip flops to make do for weeks, she now had a walk home on the red hot Tarmac, barefoot.
M & C xxxx
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