Nothing much to report today other than the normal Samrong life. On the other hand, last nights sleep had a surprise in store for us. We woke up at 4am, hobbled across the farm, bladders ready to burst. Char then remembered a dream she had just had..... Rich owning his own tuk tuk business - A welly-full of Kelley (Name came to Matt's mind afterwards! He said it's a private joke?!) We had already previously joked about this but this was the real thing. We jumped off a bus in the middle of Bangkok and there was Rich thriving in his natural habitat, tackling the hustle and bustle, blaring out 'This will be (an everlasting love)' (The song we always listen to at the end of a night out).... further details can never be remembered but RICH.... get yourself out here, it suited you. We have never seen such a happy, go lucky tuk tuk entrepeneur. (See photo - Thanks Sig!)
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Welly-full of Kelley It wasn't a dream....... I've quit the Cow and started my own adventure. You can read my own blog!! Miss you guys and can't wait to see you soon xx