Woo! I survived the 6hr bus journey from Segera, passing the spectacular Mt Kilimanjaro in Moshi along the way. I had to seriously crick my neck in order to see its twin snow capped peaks poking above the clouds but it was a stunning sight!
Upon arrival in Arusha I had a scary encounter at the bus station as I became surrounded by Taxi d…
Hodi!So, this is it..I'm now over half way though my journey to AFRICA!!
I've been living in the mountainous village of Yamba for the past 7 weeks with the charity Village Africa and did a stirling job as "Em the Builder" if I can say so myself haha! I can now call myself a professional brick maker and toilet renovator lol as well as an expert tree planter, rugby coach, road digger and chapati maker! Check out www.villageafrica.org.uk and go to latest news...IM ON IT NOW…
Hodi! So, this is it..I'm now over half way though my journey to AFRICA!!
I've been living in the mountainous village of Yamba for the past 7 weeks with the charity Village Africa and did a stirling job as "Em the Builder" if I can say so myself haha! I can now call myself a professional brick maker and toilet renovator lol as well as an expert tree planter, rugby coach, road digger and chapati maker! Check out www.villageafrica.org.uk and go to latest news...IM ON IT NOW!!
So here's the proposed plan for the rest of the trip which I'm sure won't actually go to plan at all...this is Africa after all!!
Anyways from Tanga I'll travel north to Arusha, Tanzania where I'll be up close and personal with the big five in the Serengeti and Ngorongoro crater EEEK before heading to Zanzibar to relax on the palm fringed beaches ha!
I'll then journey south through MALAWI visiting the stunning Lake Malawi and on to ZAMBIA where I'll stay on a houseboat for a copule of days and maybe try some fishing
Onto ZIMBABWE I'll go rhino treking and elephant riding before marvelling at the spectacular Vic Falls.
Then it's on to BOTSWANA where I'll travel around the Kalahari desert before crossing into SOUTH AFRICA for the final part of the trip.
From Jo'burg I'll make my way to Cape Town where I'll explore the area with a little help from a few friends (cheers Dad for that!)
I'll keep you updated and I'll try and get some friggin photos up too!
Woo! I survived the 6hr bus journey from Segera, passing the spectacular Mt Kilimanjaro in Moshi along the way. I had to seriously crick my neck in order to see its twin snow capped peaks pok…
Hodi all back in rainy/snowy/sunny England?!?!! haha nothing changes
Well my final week in Yamba was nothing short of action packed so i'll fill you in on a few bits! ok so last monday we had …
Hi everyone!
OMG I'm getting so frustrated with these friggin computers as I can't post any photos of our awesome weekend away to make you all unbelievably jealous mwahaha!
ok so Kelly, Michel…
Jambo!! We finally arrived in Lushoto yesterday after an insanely long, hot journey from Yamba. We were supposed to be staying in a catholic hostel however when we arrived all the rooms were …
ONGA...hello everyone!! I'm currently sitting in an internet cafe in Tanga writing this on a crappy keyboard so i apologise now for the all the spelling mistakes...don't blame me mwahaha. My b…
Where's Em?!?!
Hope you're still havin a mucho goodness time - any idea when you're back??
Hopefully see you soon!
Nelly xxx
Will M
I am so sorry that I haven't posted on here sooner! Of course I have meant to. And now I am. Glad you're having such a good time!
I do hope your malaria has cleared up ok. And now I am rather scared of getting it myself in South Africa - I will be rehabilitating chimps for a month! Yay! Then digging up dinosaurs in China and America then travelling China again... Ooh it's all go and all very diff from what I planned but I'm excited!
The goat party sounds fun. Though I think it was very mean of you to kill the poor defenceless thing :P
Keep enjoying it and don't get eaten by a rhinoceros.
All the best,
Hey Em
Oh My Gosh I Was In Shock Receiving Your Facebook Comment About Malaria .. I Went And Told Graham Staright Away - He Was Not Happy As You Can Imagine Hehe He's Been tryna Get Hold Of Your Parents Too He Said This Morning (Via Text) !! Glad To See Your Feeling Better Tho - Still Its Not Good But You Have To Keep Us Posetd And When Your Back We Have To All Go Out For A Dyas Dinner .. And I Will Get Served In Spoons This Time As I Now Have ID - Says Im 20 Tho But It Works As I Went Clubbing Lst Week Wooop Woooop
Nice To Read Your Tanned Too .. I Must Say Im Jealous As Im Now Resorting To Sunbeds .. Got Burnt Tho - Only Me Hey !!
Its Nice To See Your Getting Lots Of Comments From Everyone.
Oh And in Reply To Facebook., Yes I Have Been Going To Schoool - Been Working HArd Suprisingly Had First Exam The Other Week - Drama Practical - Not Sure How It Went But We Will See .. In Half Term Now Which Is Kinda Crappy Cos Im Broke And Graham Has No Hours For Me =[
Hope Your Not Home Sick .. Or Dyas Sick For That Matter Hehe We'll All See You Soon Enought, Fit Well And Tanned I Hope
Take Care .. PLEASE !!
Lots Of Love
It's good to see that you're keeping out of trouble, and seem to be having fun and misadventures. O, Africa -- reminds me so much of Norfolk. Apologies for not writing sooner, it's just that there's been absolutely b***** all to report. The move has not progressed one whit, but such is life. In fact we'll probably still be here when you get back, so look forward to it! As we, your poker buddies, await your imminent return. Speaking of which, Neil lost the other night, too (although officially he won). Denise won, and this made her extremely happy for the next seven minutes. Also, and this is perhaps the most important declaration I will ever utter, Mario Kart Wii is out on Friday, I think. Anyway, enough rambling for now. Thanks again, Emma, for blessing us with scriptures of your most magnificent quest, and we'll see you soon!
Take care,
Denise and Mike
Hi again Em,
We've just had the most amazing snow fall yesterday!! it was lovely- the previous Sunday we sat on the patio sunbathing! what a difference a week can make!(in the U.K.) Graham and I were saying to-day how sun-tanned you must be by now?!(we're not jealous!)(not much!)
He was also making out the xmas 'rota' and wondering whether you will be able to contribute?! ha ha! (wishful thinking I guess!!)
Take care of yourself,
Best for now, noz x x
Well Hello Missy
Read Your Blog Thingy Sounds Amazing I Must Say Im Slightly Jealous .. Really Missing You In Dyas .. Its Kind Of Dull .. Hope Your Taking Care Of Yourself .. Wanna Hear All About It And See All Your Pictures ..
Take Care Em ..
Lots Of Love
norah cox
Hi Em, its great hearing about your adventures! its a million miles away from RD + a trillion times more exciting!! I'm about to post you some messages from the guys in work. (via P/O) Glad the w/up torches went down well!! do you need more?? Keep having fun + look after yourself! luv Nozza x x
Yo yo yo!!!! Wish I was flicking cement at a wall- sounds fun! Missing you here- need the other half of the poker team! They all keep beating me (though I'm really winning every time...... hehehee)!! Take care and try not to eat any weird-looking spiders....... or bring any back with you for that matter........ !!??! xxx
Yoohoo sis! Thought i'd be a rebel and write in bold Hows things going? Have you been on safari yet? I hope you've bought me lots of prezzies becoz remember....I BOUGHT YOU THAT GAME FOR THE PS2 cough *£35* cough! Much love ad xxxxxxx xxxxx
Nice one Em!!!! saw a dvd with kenya and tanzania as the locations the other day .. it looks stunning just as i remember it when I was in kenya. Hope you have acclimatised to everything now , heat , altitude etc and
keep smiling
Love from Dad and Ad and little poo
Lindy loo
how posh! the bishops PALACE!have you seen any giant furry LIONS yet? You must be soooo fit going up and down those mountains!Take loads of piccies and above all have FUN !!!!Lots of love xxxx
Hi Emma,
Hope everything is going well - you're prob having a fantastic time! Take care and we're looking forward to seeing the photos.
Lots of love from us all xxxxx