Hodi all back in rainy/snowy/sunny England?!?!! haha nothing changes
Well my final week in Yamba was nothing short of action packed so i'll fill you in on a few bits! ok so last monday we had a goat party, yep you read it right first time GOAT party lol you've gotta love Africa because when we first arrived here we were given a goat as a sort of welcoming gift from all the villagers. Over the weeks I grew quite attached to Mr goat tho, watching it go for walks, munch on the grass and attempt to climb the trees so I feel guilty now saying that it tasted really good with rice!ha After eating we moved on to singing and dancing with the villagers around a bucket being bashed with a stick. But this was not just any old dancing...this was serious arse shaking dancing which also involved being piggy-backed lol and yes I even have video evidence of me aargh!
We got given loads of leaving gifts too by the locals inclcuding several chickens, woven baskets, eggs, hand carved wooden spoons and lots of food. I just have the small matter of fitting it all in my bag eeek not the chicken tho!!
I must just say thank you to all who have left comments on the message board too...thanks a miwion I love reading them! and for those who havn't left comments...whats going on?!!
ooo and another slightly minor thing that i should probably mention lol the small issue of you can't come to africa an not expect to get malaria eeek but don't stress I'm fine now!I left Yamba on Friday feeling absolutely CRAP...even with a tanned face I was as white as a ghost so decided to hold fire on my 7hour bus journey to arusha that day. The worst thing for me was the puking and a complete loss of appetite. I mean this is ALWAYS eating haha. But I spent three days on meds over the weekend taking countless number of tablets which I think have now done the trick :) I went to the hospital today to get a blood test which showed that I still had 5 parasites in every drop of blood EEEK not good news so had the prospect of being admitted and going on quinine...a really evil drug that makes you go deaf for a while (some other volunteers had to suffer that experience). But the doctor advised me to get a second opinion so I went to another lab to get another blood test and........they found NO parasites?!?!? so within 5 mins they all vanished lol anyways im feeling much much better now and am convinced it has all gone so fingers crossed ey!!
next stop arusha...take two
lots of love em xxxxxxxxxxxx
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