So once again everything has worked out perfectly for me! I am so happy and feel so blessed that everything always works out well for me. There are always a few times when I'm so scared I won't get a job, meet people or generally have a s*** time but everything always works out great in the end so I must remember the good karma and keep it going!
So, right now I'm living and working in Base hostel and have the most amazing set of friends anyone could ever have! They are all bloody mad and everyone is so friendly we all get on so well! I work in DUB and absolutely love it there too!!! It's alot different to DUB in Brisbane cause its more strict about selling jars/buckets and you can't really get as wrecked as you could in Brissy but I still get on so well with everyone and have such a laugh! I was a bit worried when I moved outta 203 and in to the staff HQ cause I was put in a room by myself and everyone was kinda in a clique so found it hard getting to know new people but it didn't worry me too much cause it was so nice just to lie about at the pool/lagoon all day or chill out in the hammocks. It's so nice to feel so content all the time and be happy just spending time by yourself. Airlie is a great spot for 'finding yourself' and figuring out what is important in life! And in Airlie its all about lying about, having fun and chilling!!
Anyway, there was always these people who done wolf howling and you could hear them doing it over to the people in nomads and nomads would do it back and I remember thinking it was a bit annoying and James used to always rip them (receptionist from Base who sorted me out with free accom when I as here last Oct!!) but one morning I heard the neighbours howling and playing the guitar so I went over to make friends and speak to them and found them pissed out their heads on goon so I just got straight on it with them!! Abolsutley love Tom and Oli, definately 2 of the nicest guys you'll ever meet and will always do anything to look after you. Complete wreckheds but you cant help but love them! After meeting them I started speaking to Jodie and Rachael who works in the kicthen at DUB too so I kinda knew their faces but we properly started chatting and I could feel myself getting new friends which was great cause it had been a few days since I moved in and I hadn't really started chatting to anyone yet! But now its great and it's exactly why I wanted to move to Airlie! Everyone knows everyone and walking up the street you get chatting to everyone and its just such a nice small community where everyone looks out for everyone! Absolutely love it! So a few of my friends atm: Jodie, Rachael, Tom, Olli, Greg, Neil, Theo, Laura, Lynda, Jiah, Shane, Jimmy, Casey, Hayley, Brittany, Sarah, Helena, Viveka, Robin etc etc. It could go on and on but those are most of my good friends! It feels amazing to have so many people I can talk to, share stories, have bevvys and just have general banter and a good time! I love it cause I work at DUB but whenever I finish I just head down to Paddys and theres always someone there that I know and can drink with! Normally it goes DUB, Paddys then Mamas depending on how pisssed you are! It's so nice because all the tme I have been travelling I always felt like I was finding out bad things about myself cause I started to think I am someone who always needs to be with someone but Airlie has made me so happy to finally be by myself and being able to make so many good friends feels so good!! I love that if I want to go to Paddys or out for a drink I don't need to try and find someone to go with, I just go and always bump into someone, and if not, I make new friends!!
The only thing I can kinda complain about is the fact I can't score! LOL! Everyone is kinda just hopping about beds but I still think about Euan alot and I just don't want to go around a sleep with someone without knowing them or having a actual connection and it makes me feel really old at times! It's so funny cause me and Sarah first started talking because we both started saying how much we needed to get laid but can't because we're not sluts!! Haha! So we always just head to the Pie Lady and get a few pies/pizzas and go home together! Who needs men when you have pie's! haha!
Oh I also got the job I wanted at Village Cafe! Was so happy because they are gonna train me up to make coffee and I actually really enjoy making coffee and working there! I've only had a couple of trials and are gonna start me doing training but I'm so happy I got that aswell cause it's always been something I wanted to do!
So to some up, Airlie is magical. Abolsutely loving life at the moment and definately living the dream!! Don't ever wanna leave!
Till next time.....
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