Can't believe it's been 3 weeks since I wrote in this! Where does all the time go?!?
We've now been away from home for over 4 months, really doesn't seem like that long.
Still working in midland. My boss is leaving next week so think it will go down hill after that and I might actually have to start doing some work! We have had some nice lunch times out of work! 2 hour lunches are the best…last week we went to see kangaroos! I couldn't believe it, we went to a pub for lunch in a national park just by swan valley and went into the beer garden and there all these kangaroos just stood around! We got really close to one of them who had a little baby in it's pouch. It was soooo cute, wanted to take it home but feels like we are livin in some kind of refugee camp at the moment and we just don't have the space for a kangaroo to hop around! Was brilliant to see though. and there were loads of brightly coloured parrots flying around too.
And this week we have been to Fremantle prison. I found it really interesting due to my fascination with prisons that goes back to my lindholme days! They take you round the prison in the dark and make u jump by throwing dummies on to the suicide netting! Colette nearly jumped on me! The history is interesting, the prison closed in 1991 and didn't even have plumbing (so no toilets!!!). they had a cell that was absolutely tiny and was called the escape-proof cell that Joseph Bolitho Johns (or Moondyne Joe as he was better known) stayed in, it was covered in nails supposedly so couldn't escape. He did escape from the prison though by breaking rocks in the exercise yard. When he'd broken the rocks nobody came to move them so he built a wall around himself and started making a hole in the stone wall of the prison and escaped!! And Bon Scott (singer of AC/DC) apparently served time at Fremantle prison too. They opened up his cell and there was loads of graffiti on the walls and ceiling!
And it's my birthday on Monday! Feels really weird being so far from home. Usually can just phone family and friends or I know they can phone me but this year is different what with the time difference and BT's extortionate rates to phone a mobile in Australia! I have got some cards and presents that have arrived already which is really thoughtful of people to go to all that effort to send me something, I love my friends and family sooo much and really appreciate it.
And not at leeds fest this year! No birthday cocktails or birthday croquet this year! Looked at the line up this morning and nearly cried….it looks amazin! We would have such a good time! next year people, next year….
In the process of planning the east coast now. Think going to start on 14th November and go from cairns to Sydney in time for xmas. That is the plan anyway! Not sure if it'll work out but we'll see. I am being super organised about the whole thing and have printed off a3 size calenders and bus timetables, hostel information, tour information and pretty much anything else you can think of! Well, I've got to have some thing to occupy my mind all day! Still considering fiji but not sure about the money situation for January and someone was saying something about a military coup so may need to do some more research!
And Dani G is coming to perth today! I'm so excited! Feels like we haven't seen her for ages!! she is coming out for my birthday and think she is gonna come with me to see panic at the disco and the academy is…. on wednesday night! Will be great to see her again!
Only one more week at work until or holiday up the west coast!! I'm so excited!
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