i am in perth! whooooooop! decided it was time for me to leave melbourne behind. was gettin a bit bored and needed a change. so on friday i got on the plane for the 4 hour flight and 2 hour time difference and arrived in a sunny, warm perth! then at 2.30 went to see an about keepin busy! apartment was absolutely gorgeous, just a shame the application form was harder than a mensa test! still keepin fingers crossed though!
at the weekend went to a place called black bettys on friday night and the shed on sunday night. was really good to be out in a different place with new people. on saturday night, beany, claire, paula and i went out for a really nice meal in southbridge. yum yum. on sunday we took a stroll to kings park in the sunshine. was gorgeous. the views were incredible of the river and the city. was a bit late by the time we got there so we didn't stay long but was nice to be out and about in the sunshine.
this week has been all about the job huntin! monday i finished my cv and sent it out. yesterrday i sent it out again and had to go shoppin for some clithes to wear to my interview in SCARBOROUGH this mornin! got a couple of interviews with agencies tomorrow too so fingers crossed!
was so weird going to scarborough. it has a massive beach and is mainly a surfer kinda place i think. but they had a huntriss road and a flamborough st!! the same as at home! might go when it is hotter and go to the beach and see if it really is like home!
the girls arrived last night. i was half asleep coz of interview this mornin but they made it!
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