well, i know i haven't written in this for while but each week has kinda been then same! been in my new job for nearly a week now! still not exactly sure what i'm supposed to b doin but they r payin me so i'm not complainin! workin in midlands with hannah and aisling. aisling should b workin on comission for this company as she got both hannah and I our jobs! we r about 25mins on the train out of th city so leave the house at 7.30 which is earlier than i've been up for months! everybody is really friendly here. they put on drinks on friday afternoon for our department but managed to sneak aisling in and tear Hannah away from her desk so we indulged in a few beers and got talkin to everyone which was nice!
we don't do a lot durin the week although did manage to come 2nd to last in a pub quiz last wednesday! other than that it's generally neighbours and home and away for us! and goin to the gym of course but that is sometimes too much effort!! and vieo-ezy is just up the road so we've had loads of films to watch! watched the notebook the other day, think i am scared for life. 6 girls and paul sat around watchin it with a hangover on a sunday night, no wonder we were all sobbin into our hankies by the end! and i am not kiddin, there were nearly rivers of tears in our front room!
we've been goin out at weekends to sample the nightlife of perth!! hence most of the pics i have of perth have been taken in bars and clubs! ha. we spend quite a lot of time in northbridge, and we've been into the city and to leederville. u need more id to get into these places than we needed to enter the country in the first place! some don't even accept british drivin license! we needed 2 forms for the deen and the leederville hotel! i couldn't bloody believe it! 2 forms of id!!! scandelous!
we've been tryin to do touristy stuff on the weekends but the weather hasn't been too great. think home is havin warmer weather! some serious false advertisin for this country coz was under the impression it was gloriously sunny all the time here! well, it's not. it's rainin as i type this! last sunday we managed to get over to south perth on the ferry which was lovely in the sunshine. it's no ferry 'cross the mersey though!! and then when we got there there wasn't much to do so we ended up sat outside a pub drinkin cider and eating potato wedges (which we seem to have every time we got out!!) until the last ferry back!
on saturday me, colette, beany and paula went out to cottesloe which was beautiful! i really felt like i was in home and away with the little walkways to the the beach just like at summer bay! cottesloe was a bit busier than summer bay though. the sun was shinin and the sky was blue, there were surfers in the water and blokes playin volleyball with no shirt on....that's what oz should b about! ha. by the time we got there it was late afternoon (didn't get up that early after black bettys on friday night!!) but it was still warm and sunny. got my feet wet but water was a little chilly! and we got chips, but the chips weren't as good as chips at the beach at home! then after some confusion about where the hell we caught the bus back to the city we set off home when the sun was goin down!
the boys from next door but 1 have moved out! : ( it's gonna b quiet without them. they have moved up the street but it seems so far away! no more cork accents offerin us beer first thing in the mornin! they have loaned us their bbq though so bring on the summer!
we have had some lost belongings in our house too. aisling lost her bankcard and was rippin about it and then had a flashback to the deen and remembered she had put it somewhere 'safe' in her bag and magically it was exactly where she left it! and then claire lost her passport and was nearly a week until she noticed. managed to lose it in black bettys who had kept it for her! well, that is after the blind panic and turnin the house upside down and havin new passport photos taken for a replacement!
anyway, should really get back to pretendin to do work!
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