well, we are back from the farm!! it was awesome! me, dani and colette managed to get the right train there and i slept most of the way! jim picked us up and we went to a drive through bottle shop! u just wind down the window and they just give u alcohol to take home. amazin! the farm is actually in new south wales so is a bit of a drive from echuca, in a place called bunaloo. the farm is massive. we did a fair amount of drinkin in thos few days, alright for us coz we didn't have to work but jim and pete had to get up!! we even had a fire in our room coz got cold at night so we woke up smellin of wood and smoke but well worth it.
jim and pete r tryin to bring the pork pie to australia so they r in the process of settin up the factory. one afternoon we got involved and made a load of pork pies. they have really looked into the process and built the machinery! we had a production line goin of meat, pastry makin and pie shapin!!
we also managed to fit in a little bit of shootin! was a bit dark when we were tryin to shoot bottles but we managed it! dani is the best shot ever! 2 shots and managed to get 2 bottles! colette didn't manage so well, she could barely lift the gun coz it was heavy and her arms were a little short! the gun (a 2.2 rifle, i think!) wasn't firin every time because it had somethin wrong with the bolt (or somethin like that!!!) so when we went spotlightin we didn't manage to shoot anythin. although saw loads of wild kangaroos. when i came to oz i never thought i'd go spotlightin on the edge of the outback i can tell u!!! it was great though, was freezin so we had to wear practically every item of clothin we had brought, and we were bobbin around on the back of a u't and i managed to get a big bruise on my arm. the sky was so clear in the country compared to the city too. the sky was absolutely massive and the stars were so clear. there was millions and trillions of them. colette was watchin for shootin stars and managed to see some. dani and i were more concerned with shootin!!
we went out for a gorgeous meal on our last night. it was the best meal we've had since bein in oz. and we drank wine out a bottle!! that is quite a novelty for us as we have well and truly been on the that comes in 4 or 5 litre boxes and is dirt cheap! haha. all in all was brilliant. so different from the city, i miss it already!
on saturday when we got back we went to he 'we love sounds' festival. dani's friend managed to get us free tickets which is a bonus! it was mainly dj's so none of us thought it was that great. was held in a massive warehouse on the docklands. there was loads of ppl off their faces and behavin like dickheads so we didn't even stay until the end. the whip was the best band (they were the ones who got us free tickets), i was lookin forward to the bravery too but the lead singer was clearly off his head and out of tune and off key for half the songs! were gonna stay for !!! but were a bit bored by that point so sacked it off and went into town for a drink!
this weekend has been a bank holiday for the queens birthday so yesterday was big day out. went to irish pub in st. kilda (where we r stayin with roisin and deidre) and then pj o'briens in town....can u see a theme emergin!! haha. anyway, didn't get up until after lunch today so just gonna chill out for the rest of the day. we r headin to sydney in a couple of weeks and then thinkin about headin to perth to look for a job. still not decided though........
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