we have arrived in AUSTRALIA!!! it's great, although rather chilly!
we didn't do much yesterday apart from go to the airport! i imagined singapore airport to be filled with shops and other such delights but terminal 1 was just an aiport with a few duty free shops. they do have the new clinique mascara though so i was a very happy girl waitin for the plane. on the plane i watched P.S I love you (bit rubbish) and 27 dresses (good) and some aussie stand up comic.didn't get much sleep on the plance with the time difference so we arrived at our hotel at 7am local time and couldn't check until 2! so we had a nap in the bar area and haven't done much else.
comin through customs was very traumatic for colette and i. they are so incredibly strict with what what u can bring in. as we got our bags off the conveyorbelt they brought a sniffer dog round- DOGS WITH JOBS!!! i just about managed to refrain from goin 'aahhh, look a that dog, he's got a job. have u got a job little dog?' in a russel brand kinda way!! made me laugh so much inside though. the sniffer dog found somethin in our bags and we thought it was an orange colette had had in her bags and then thrown away. however, when we got thorugh the x ray machine he did notice i had an apple in my hand luggage and that is against the law. i hadn't declared it (and may have been why the sniffer doggy was so excited) and he nearly charged me 220 dollars!! i really did just forget it was there though! luckily he let me off.
goin to get some warner clothes tomorrow as it is rather chilly here!
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