we survived fraser island.....hurrah!!! was a bit touch and go when i got in the drivers seat and went through what i thought was a puddle but was much deeper, endin up with so much water on the windscreen and me yellin "i can't see anythin" and everyone replying "just drive straight"!!!
we left rainbow beach after a massive long rymin speach from luke. very fond of sayin thigns like 'put a smile on your dial', 'no hastle in my castle' and other such phrases! so packed up the 4x4 and 11 of us piled in! after the ferry was so weird to just drive on sand and there are no roads! we went to lake mackenzie which was beautiful! we just ran into the lake which was freshwater and stayed there for ages! had a run in with a guana at lunchtime. camp was very basic, tent, campin stove and no toilets! :S there were 6 4x4 altogether so we pretty much all camper together and drank together which was good. on the way back from usin the facilities (ie a tree) laura and i found ourselves face to face with a dingo! i panicked a little bit and managed to turn the torch off, not a good idea which made me panic more. we managed to survuve though and there were loads of dingos all night
day 2 we went to the headland and the champagne pools. both incredible beautiful. we learnt that tryin to cook in the dark is not such a good idea the night before so we went and set up camp early on. we camped just near the maheno shipwreck, which used to a luxury cruise liner before the japenese bought it for scrap then lost it as they were towin in back and it washed up on fraser island! all 6 jeeps together and a lot of drinkin games and fun. we even saw the stars in the water which was beautiful, all silver and twinklin! dingos were once again on the prowl and managed to get the lid off the eski and steal our better! little git
day3 - big hangover, hot tent and bright bright sunshine! not a good combo! so we got up and went to lake wabby which involved a very long steep walk! eeeeek! was good though. then we headed for the ferry. had to put my foot down and drive like lewis hamilton to get us there for one (and could see for a while when drove into a puddle!). we arrived and were waitin for the ferry, takin pictures and such like. ferry came, 10seconds later the ferry left without us on it! they saw us waitin and coz we wern't ready and waitin when they pulled up then they left us!! was not impressed. so we got the ferry about 30mins later, car back (no damage), camping equipment back (3 plates missing - i'm blamin the thievin dingos!!!) and back to the hostel for a good shower! probably gonna b washin sand out my hair for weeks (even when i get home!!). now i feel like i could sleep for a week! we've gotta get the bus to brisbane first thing then fingers crossed for skydive on saturday!
only 3 more nights in oz! eeeeeeeeeekkk
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