Hi all
Just finished writting you a blog then the internet cut out so lost it all never mind lets hope i finish this time.
Arrived yesterday after a very long flight was delayed in Dubai for 5 hours so had a bit of a saw back but i am hear now. I got a bus from the airport to the hostel that i am staying in it is really nice here have got air con lots of waterfalls and the people here are realy friendly.
Last night i went to a resturant with a girl i am sharing a room with Alex. she showed me how to use the sky train which is a lot better than the london underground fully air con which is needed out here (arg just been bitten there a lot more itchy that home) after 36 hours of no sleeep i finaly went to bed and slept for ages was planning to get up early and go sight seeing but that didn't happen.
went on the river boat to the laying budda where i met made tuk-tuk driver never been so scared was cutting people up and going so fast but im still alive. he was sponcered by a clothing shop so if he took me there he got free petrol so i didnt have to pay much at all. think it works out that for the 3 hour tour i paid 3 pounds which i thought was god value.
I visted the lucky budda really amazing all gold and pretty. when went to the big import export factory where there were loads of ring you could see being made and then buy (Dad i will take you there so you can by me presents lol)
I saw where the king lives and a temple next door everything here is so big and tidy smells a bit near the river but clean. the kings house is 7 miles form the gate a really long drive think i must have heared wrong.
Tomorrow i am off to Kanchanaburi which is where the River Kwai is and some beautiful waterfuls are ihave booked with a tour so i have a free elephanet trek included so i am going to have a bumpy ride. going to be picked up 6.15 in the morning. tonight i am going to the night market. i am going to atempt to put picture on so if you dont see any havent suceeded.
Love you all loads speak to you soon xxx
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