Hello u 2 av u fell out with us?What happened 2 Fiji and Hawaii?Been sitting here full of anticipation for the next installment and nothing happened.Hope ur still avin a ball anyway.Loadsa luv a.jeanxxxxxxxxxxx
Happy birthday Bri
Hope your still enjoying the trip and not dreaming of home!!!!
hey brian! happy birthday bro! i tried to send u a text before but it wont work! oh well! hope u ave a great day!
miss u!
nan, grandad and uncle greGARY wish u a happy birthday too x x x
happy birthday brian hope you have a good one speak soon love mandy and alanxxxxxx
Aunty Jean
Hello you 2,you're looking so happy,travelling definitely agrees with you. wot's happened 2 hawii news can't wait much longer. Is your leg ok now laura?Stay safe luv you loads,a.jeanxxx
Hi Laura&Brian
Keeping up with your adventure, love looking at your photo's , Laura, can't believe how much your hair has grown!! You both look really well & happy..Enjoy HawaiiXXX
hey you two sorry for not messaging but we have followed your travels and are very excited to see your photos and read your blogs.Fab! You b oth look great and that makes us happy that your having a ball. In Hawaii say hello to Danno. take care xxxx
hiya luv just checkin out your pics you seem to be getting browner each set i see they are fab love and miss you take care love mumXXXXXXXXXX
Hellooooo!!! OMG seeing u're pccies of disney has made me want to get on a plane now! looks like u're having fab time, brian u even look like u're getting a bit of a tan! :-) keep safe, enjoy hawaii! xxx
Hi Laura wot a great time your havin by the look of the photo's!! Wish I was off to Hawaii its supposed to be fantastic. Keep on enjoyin your travels take care xxxxx
Hi Laura wot a great time your havin by the look of the photo's!! Wish I was off to Hawaii its supposed to be fantastic. Keep on enjoyin your travels take care xxxxx
Hi Laura wot a great time your havin by the look of the photo's!! Wish I was off to Hawaii its supposed to be fantastic. Keep on enjoyin your travels take care xxxxx