hello u 2, upto date on blog and pix now! looks fab - laura its funny seein u with long hair!!! hope u have a lovely b'day, take care x x
Hi Laura and Brian, lovely to see you having such a good time it all looks fantastic. Love all your photos you both look really well. Keep taking good care of yourselves.
Love Joan
Pauls Mum
Hi Laura and Brian Just found your blog (I'm new to this computer stuff!) Sounds like youre having a fantastic journey,between yourselves and paul feels like I'm having my very own gap year from the comfort of my living room! Enjoy yourselves and be safe luv Joan xx
Hi Laura you look like your having a ball I so wish I was with you!! Fiji looks fab but so does everywhere else you have visited. Keep on enjoying yourelves and stay safe. Miss you xx
Laura And Brian
Hi everyone!
Thanks for all of your messages....we do read them all we promise!
We logged onto the STA homepage and our New Zealand blog was the blog of the day!! how cool is that?!?
must be all of the people logging onto and having a look!!
love and miss you all
Love Laura and Brian
hiya you two love the scenery and the blogs. fiji is a place on our wish list.keep avin a ball.xx
Hiya love, just been through the Hawaii and Fiji pictures and blogs. They both look like amazing places, and you look far too relaxed! You look like you haven't been thinking about work for far too long. (Mind you, now you are running the show in your NZ hostel, you are back in work mode I guess). Don't work too hard, you still have a lot of sight seeing to do!! Speak to you at the weekend, love you x x Dad
Kia ora Brian&Laura,I pehea to ra,he aha o mahi i tenei ra,kua kai ano koe,e ata inu ana au,ka rawe te korero Maori,me ata inu koe,kua haere au.
Aroha nui
Dad B.
Nik And Dan
Hey you guys!!
Your both looking really well!!
Hawaii looks fantastic! Keep enjoying yourselves...Miss yaz!!
Nik and Dan xx
Aunty Jean
OMGthey were worth waiting for,the sunsets must have been amazing in person as they look so fab in pictures,you look so well,can't wait for next pics,stay safe loadsa luv a.jeanxxxxx
Aloha,Brian & Laura.Just been looking at your pics of Hawaii,views of the coastlines ,and bays look great,and the pics of Pearl Harbour,eerie,glad to see your drinking beer by the jug now bri,HaHa,you both look healthy and well,keep up the photo,s Luv Daddy Brian.Mahalo & Aoha x x .
Hi Laura so glad you've put your photo's on of Hawaii I've been dying to see what its like and it looks fab!!! You look really well and Brian suits wearing a skirt ha ha. Carry on having a great time miss you being around take care xx