hey bro and laura!
u looked likeu had a good new year! jus finished from uni for today and iv been to every lecture yet! go me! who wood of thort becoming a nurse wood mean doin science! oh well cant wait to get put on placement!
so w do u during the day brian, is there a australian loose women or jeremy kyle! text me x x x x x x
Ron + Gang From Trim
Good to see some more photos thought you had lost your camera..Jordan was very jealous that you had gone to the tennis (lucky ducks or words to that effect he used)Weather looks fantastic in Aus,we have got as brass monkeys putting clothes on..Stay safe and speak to you soon..Asked your Dad for your address but he has not phoned me back.his phone must still only take incoming calls
Ron + Gang From Trim
Hi Guys..Just had to suffer another poor night watching liverpool 0-0 against wolves..Hope things are still going well and that both of you are looking after each other..have you found a job yet Brian ? or are you a kept man...
Hi Laura and Brian! the pictures are great. hope ye still having a boss time! we miss ye, the nuttys xxxx
Hi Laura hope your still having a great time. Hows the job goin? Its been snowing really heavy here your so lucky to be in the sun. Keep on enjoying yourselves xxx
Ron + Gang
Hi Guys Happy New Year to you both have a fantastic 2010 and we will see you when you get if you are coming back
Pauls Mum
Hi Laura and Brian Lovely to see you all on Christmas day thanks for making Paul feel so welcome I know he had a great time and will miss you both like mad.Yoy did yourself proud with the dinner Bri Paul is still talking about your banoffee pie Jamie Oliver had better watch himself !!!!! Enjoy the rest of your trip hope the job goes well Laura and I,ll be following your blog lovely to see the photos of you all Take care love to you both Joanxxxx
Nik And Dan
belated christmas wishes guys!!! You all look like your having a right laugh - hope you have a brill new year!! We miss you!!
Take Care xxx
Ron + Gang From Trim
Nolliag Shona two the both of you !! long time no speak ..hope you are keeping well just of the phone to Daddy Brian...take care and we wish you health happieness and a fantastic 2010
Metcalfe Family
Merry Christmas brian andd lauraa. we hope you have ( had) a good christmas. it wasnt the same with out you both
love you lots
Metcalfes xxxxxxx
Metcalfe Family
Merry Christmas brian andd lauraa. we hope you have ( had) a good christmas. it wasnt the same with out you both
love you lots
Metcalfes xxxxxxx