Happy Christmas both of you, and hope you have a great New Year. Missing you loads, take care love Sarah and Gav xxx
Wishing you both a very happy christmas and a great new year enjoy celebrating in the warm xxxx
Jean Anne Caldwell
Hi kids(and paul)computer been off again but now obviously up and running. Please post a picture of the fabulous tree! Iwish you were going to be with us on xmas day but at least we can keep in touch online not like in the old days when u wud av to book a phone call 24 hrs in advance eh?I hope you both av a fandabidozy xmas enjoy the experience over there and av a great new year,thanx 4 the card.Stay safe luv u loads.a.jeanxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Denise Kennedy
hi to you both looks like your having a fab time ! wishing you both a merry xmas take care
luv Denise xx
Hi Laura&Brian
Photo's are amazing...hope you are having a wonderful time in the Aussie sunshine, it's so miserable here! Take care of each other k xxxx
Hi folks hope you are still having the time of your lives!! Its very cold and raining here bet you wish you were here haha xx
Faye An Kev
Hi u 2! only just got round to lookin at ur pics sorry!i can see u r in need of ur lovely hairdresser sister to come an visit u 4 ur christmas haircuts!haha i wish!!all pics look fab anyway hope ur flat is goin ok!ill spk 2 ya soon anyway love you miss you love faye an kev x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Alright Bri,
hows it going, heard your now in Melbourne!! Wish i was there! Hope your still loving it email us let us know how ya doing if ya get a chance in your busy schedule!!
Hi Laura hope your still enjoying your adventure and are back in the sunshine .You looked really cold in some of the photo's Laura haha. Take care xxx
Nik Aand Dan
Hey guys!!
All the pictures look great - keep on enjoying yourselves!! Happy Birthday for yesterday Lau, hope you had a good day!!
Take Care xxx
Bunty And Gary
Soo jealous!!,, it looks fantantic you both look very happy and very well. Merry christmas and a happy new year!! xxxxxx
Aunty Jean
Hello my lovelys,computer up and running again,finally been able to experience Fiji photos.OMG! i can c y u want to go back there it looks gorgeous.Laura dont know if its 2 early 2 wish u a happy b'day cos dont no ur time. Anyway have a fab day luv u loads,stay safe a.jeanxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx