Well i slept soooo well last night. Remember getting into bed and then must have passed out straight away. Laura didnt sleep so well though :(. We had set the alarm for nice and early but i heard Laura mutter 'i feel rough, not getting up' so fell back to sleep. both felt like we were getting a bit of a cold when we woke up... RUBBISH! Swine flu!!
Headed out to Harajuku which is one of the main shopping places and also a place to see locals dressed in gothic clothing. Managed to get a JR train map which was so much easier to read as it showed the trains we could jump on for free AMAZING!
As soon as we arrived we saw a guy and girl kitted out in proper gothic gear. White face make up and all. They looked really cool! Wandering around the shops, all the younger guys and girls were wearing amazing clothes. Some girls were even wearing doll outfits as if it were a fancy dress party. Everyone dresses really extrememly here, and its like they compete to look the most individual. Most of the shops are small boutiques so no one really wears the same clothes. Its soooo cool. Really want to buy so much stuff but resisted.
We got an amazing crepe filled with cream, sauce.. so fattening and a bit sickly for breakfast but awesome!
then the rain started. It was like English rain too. The temperature dropped loads too which was really refreshing. We were forced to buy huge umbrellas as the rain just was not stopping. Worth it though! Also random but Laura got a Caramel Machiato from StarBucks which turned out to be hot milk that tasted of custard. so strange.. not a hint of coffee at all.
Got back to the hostel and packed AGAIN as we are going to Kyoto tomorrow morning. Its supposed to be such a contrast to Tokyo. Really scenic...
N&L x x
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