Because we were the last bunk in the last carriage the train journey was so bumpy I'm pretty sure we left the track at some points which as a result meant I didn't sleep well at all but Adam somehow managed to get about 5 hours! We were woken up this morning by the steward woman saying Surat Thani 5 minutes. We started getting ready and getting our bags sorted and within 30 seconds we were at the station. So we had to get off fast as it wasn't the last stop on the route. I hadn't managed to get changed and had to get off with no shoes on and left my skirt on the train which luckily the steward found and brought to me before we got on the coach. We immediately got from the train to a coach which was going to take us to the pier for the ferry to Koh Samui, I had thought it was about a 15 minute transfer but it was in fact almost 2 hours! I slept some of the way. We got to the ferry port just after 9am and went for a drink before the ferry set off at 10am. On the ferry we managed to get seats at the side overlooking the side of the boat. Adam had his guitar out and was playing a bit, there was this huge German guy stood behind adam the entire journey just watching him, it was very weird! We got to Koh Samui and got a taxi to our hotel, it's typical that our hotel would be directly on the other side of the island to where the port was! We checked in, put our bags in our room and had a quick shower then headed out for some food. We went to a sandwich shop/patisserie across from our hotel which did amazing sandwiches, we both had grilled chicken salad sandwiches with garlic mayo, mmm!! After we'd eaten we went for a wander around our area and asked a few places for prices to hire scooters, we decided to just hire one from our hotel and set off for a look around. We saw a sign for a waterfall and viewpoint so decided to go and check them out. On the way up we drove past another couple on a scooter who shouted out, don't bother going to the waterfall it's crap! So we decided to just head up to the viewpoint instead. The hill in some parts was so steep that our little 125cc scooter couldn't handle it and Adam practically had to walk the scooter up the hill. When we eventually got to the viewpoint it was crap!! You could just see the sea through a load of trees! There were 3 American guys on scooters there too when we got there, we all set off back at the same time and Adam found it hilarious that we were so much faster than them three, he said that if he was with his mates theres no way they'd be beaten by a guy and a chick on a scooter... We headed back to the hotel and Adam went to have a look how much it would be to go to the Muay Thai boxing and to the post office to post Dan's present and a couple of postcards, I just chilled out in the hammock reading my book and skyping home. When Adam got back it turned out that the post office was closed until Monday and the boxing posters had the wrong date on them and the boxing was actually tomorrow not tonight. We got showered and ready and headed out for something to eat at a Reggae Bar that Adam had seen whilst out looking for post office. The Reggae Bar was huge, the food was pretty average, after food we went for a few drinks in the main bar and to watch the band that was on, they were pretty good and didn't just play reggae music. The drinks in the reggae bar were pretty expensive so we only stayed for a couple and then left, the road that the reggae bar was on was full of loads of bars on either side with Thai girls trying to get you in, Adam said it made him feel uncomfortable and wanted to get a taxi back lol!! We walked and luckily cos it was a little bit later than when we walked on there to get there, the girls had many guys to keep them occupied now! When we got back near our hotel, everything seemed to be closed or closing, so we went in this one bar that was open, it had quite a few Thai girls in it but they seemed to be on a night out not working, we got a drink and then the guy behind the bar brought out a birthday cake for one of the Thai girls who then started booing. She cut the cake up and handed it out to people in the bar and gave Adam a piece of cake, I think it was the last one and she didn't know what to do with it... Adam didn't want it but not wanting to look rude ate it anyway, we only stayed for one drink. Then on the way home we decided to get massages, when we were stood outside deciding what massage to have a woman came over, put her hand on my tummy and said you're having a baby!! I couldn't stop laughing that she'd actually said that and said no, I think she was a bit embarrassed, I'm convincing myself that it was my top that was scrunched up at the stomach and not me actually looking so fat I look pregnant! I decided to have a coconut oil massage and Adam had a Aloe Vera massage, it was an ok massage, what was really funny is that Adam was in the next cubicle to me and had swimming shorts on so no undies and so he kept his shorts on and the woman told him to take them off and put a towel over him but she kept moving it to wipe oil off him and when she told him to turn around she kept touching his willy as she was massaging him and then she tapped him on the arm and motioned to see if he wanted a happy ending and wrote 200baht on his chest. Embarrassed Adam just said no! When we got out we laughed about it and then Adam realised that the massage place was right next to our hotel so we were gonna have to walk passed them everyday!! We got back to the room and crashed out.
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