This morning we got up and decided to find somewhere on the scooter for breakfast, we drove along the coast and after about 30 minutes or so Adam spotted a reggae bar that served food so we stopped and went in, just our luck they didn't have any food on!! We stayed for a drink and then just went to a place over the road called Nicky's. They were serving full english breakfasts with proper bacon, beans, hash browns, the lot!! It was scrummy! After that we headed back to the hotel as we had only hired the scooter for a day it had to be back, before we dropped it off Adam went back to the boxing place to see about tickets for tonight, he somehow managed to get the best deal ever, he asked for the cheapest seats which was 1000baht (about £20) and the woman said why don't you go for the VIP tickets for 1500baht and Adam told her we couldn't afford so she said how about the second cheapest tickets 1200baht and Adam told her we were backpacking and couldn't afford so and said, I'm a crazy lady, I'll give you some good seats and gave tickets for a high table at the side of the ring with table service for drinks etc, these seats were't even on the price list so we don't know how much they should have cost but she only charged Adam 1000baht per ticket which was the price of the cheapest seat! When Adam got back we dropped the scooter off and went for a walk along the beach. It was really nice, there were guys selling BBQ'd corn on the cob so we got one and it was delicious, they put just the right amount of butter and salt on, mmm! We walked for quite a way along the beach then decided to walk back through the town as we hadn't been this far along in this direction. We found a few bars and stuff that looked good and had live music on so decided to come to them tomorrow night. I had left my crappy flip flops on the trek because they were disgusting so only had my going out kind of flip flops and Adam hadn't even brought any so we stopped at a shop on the way back and bought some flip flops, got a fair deal we think, we managed to barter a bit for them. We got back to the hotel and got showered and decided to just eat in the hotel restaurant, I got massimain chicken which was nice but a bit too spicy for me. After we'd eaten we walked along to the boxing place and was going to get a drink along the way, just around the corner from the hotel on the way to boxing was a night market which had cocktail stands selling cocktails for 50baht. I got a Cosmo and Adam got a mojito and the were awesome, a large plastic cup full and quite strong, we wandered around the market for a while, it was selling all the usual fake stuff but it was still pretty cool. We headed to the boxing and when we got there the guy said come back in half an hour so we just went to a bar across the street for a drink to pass the time. When we got in to the boxing we got a drink and went to our seats, they were such good seats, we were right at the front, ringside. When the boxing started one of the boxers always passed in front of our table to get to his corner and as the night wore on and I got more drunk, I kept asking the boxers for a photos when they'd finished lol! The boxing was so good, it had 6 fights, one of them was bare knuckle and another was one guy versus two! I would definitely go again. Adam loved it too. We thought that the bare knuckle one might be a bit brutal but it was actually alright and disappointingly ended in a draw!! When the boxing finished it was raining outside so we decided to just go back to hotel, Adam was hungry though so got a pot noodle type thing from Tesco on the way.
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