6th October
2nd day in the salt flats and our first stop was a short one to take some final group pictures on the salt flats. Then we headed off to **island. Karem explained how the entire area millions*** of years ago was covered by the sea and when the environment changed the salt was left. Then ** years ago for 10,000 years the area had become a lake with several islands covered in cacti due to the minerals of the ground and then the water from the lakes evaporated and they've been left with rocky cacti covered islands in the middle of the salt flats. The view from the top was spectacular.
Unfortunately today our driver was no more rested than yesterday and was again falling asleep at the wheel. We had to wake him up and stop several times to get out the car. We told Karem but she didn't seem to care. He was telling Karem and the other drivers it was just that his eyes were stinging and he wasn't asleep but it was pretty obvious he was asleep when his head would fall back or down and his foot would fall off the accelerator or his hands fall off the wheel. Although we told Karem we were not happy at all she let us carry on with him as they wouldn't let us drive and there certainly wasn't any buses we could catch. He kept falling asleep and finally Karem swapped with Lara, into our car and was able to talk to him continuously to keep him awake.
Before we got to our hotel we stopped at a Laguna and saw hundreds of flamingos. Our hotel this night was slightly more advanced with electricity in the bedrooms from 7-8pm but still the Eco toilets. We played uno after diner but only until the electricity went out in the dinning room as the staff went to bed at 9pm!
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