Hi again, we are back!
New Orleans is a difficult one to write about, we didn't really enjoy our time here. As you can imagine, the effects of Hurricane Katrina were clearly visible, even after three years. Our hostel, which was once in the middle of a classy neighbourhood was now run down due to the damage caused by the floods. The neighbourhood itself was still damaged, lots of houses were boarded up and abandoned. Many still stood very damaged and beyond repair. It makes you wonder what happened to these families and where they are now. The area in which we stayed was not safe after dark and especially unsafe for women on their own.
We were sad to learn that insurance companies failed to pay out to familes in need on the technicality of it being a natural disaster, even those who had paid for flood damage protection didn't recieve any help. There are many conspiracy theories involving goverment tactics and Bush's refusal to offer help immediately. To us it was a long time ago, put to those who live here, it is still having a huge impact on their lives. I think it is very easy for us to forget.
If you look pass the devastation, which is not easy to do, the city has some nice attractions. We particualy enjoyed the French Quarter, wondering around the narrow streets and seeing the oldest Cathedral in America. We haven't uploaded any photos, there wasn't really anything to take pictures off, it would have been immoral to take photos of the wreckage of peoples homes.
On the up side, Laura made friends with the mosquito which bit her 18 times on one foot. Foot swelled up, looked great. After three days we were more than ready to leave, looking for new adventures in Miami.
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