Glad to see and read you are still doing ok, and enjoying your time in the state of California. I was fortunate to be over in LA,SF and the west coast area during 08, and had a wonderful time .
Big Sur, Highway 1, et al, i can't wait to see your photies.
if you do get a chance to get around SF, see if you can find " the Bush Man" down by the pier area. He does exist, and I am sure willprovide you with a funny experience, if you get to see him. Similalry when we were in SF we stayed in Haight-Ashbury,an eclecti and bohemiam area, with some great bistros and areas to visit. if you get chance have a look around.
As ever, keep up the great work, enjoy, and see you soon
Tony at Wrekin
Wow, you've got to love the American Immigration System! I imagine that by 2.30am you were probably trying to convince the authorities of just how much you'd rather NOT be in America at that precise time. Irony, indeed.
Love xxxx
Tony At Wrekin
having just read your latest , I can sympathise with you wholly, I've been there as well. it does seem that the officialdom of entering the US, at many many borders, I and my family have crossed at, seems to have gone overboard and yes - the welcome of the Immigration agents at the entry posts,. can be very unfriendly. I am sure however , in fact I would hope, that not all are of them same robotic type - there are other ways over " doing the job". However it does clearly leave an image on visitors, which in this day and age quickly is reflected around friends and family - they I am sure can and should look to do a more customer friendly welcome - whilst sill covering all the Immigration bases.
Anyway, glad you caught up with your colleagues, and i am sure in the coming weeks, you will experience the other more friendly and welcoming side of the USA, that we all perhaps expect.
Enjoy LA,. and all it brings not sure what your itinery is going to cover, but if you get chance visit some of the museums, Getty in partic - its well worth a visit.
Take care - see you soon, keep smiling - HAVE A NICE DAY !!!
Tony at Wrekin
Rob D
Que pasa amigo, que tal?
I've jut read your last blog from Quito, emotional stuff; i'm sure it won't all sink in until years to come. However, I look forward to you recounting your tales in person soon,
Mucho amor
Hi David
just sitting here at 9.00am Thursday looking at your recent photo's from Ecuador and reading up on your post of galapagos. Fantastic. I never new i was so interested in the background to the islands etc, till I read your post - keep up the great work.
Well its off to do some outside painting - the house - today for me, and then back to Wrekin tonight after 10 days off - aaaaargh .
see you soon, take care and enjoy
Tony @Wrekin
Hola querido David.. Que agrado haberte encontrado en este sitio, espero todo tu viaje haya y esté siendo de maravillas. Nosotros nos encontramos super bien, Matilda está muy grande y muy curiosa por conocer cada día más, Con Carola estamos mucho mejor luego de esa crisis que te comenté que estabamos viviendo, nos sirvió muchisimo para consolidarnos y para proyectarnos. Como sabemos, las crisis son oportunidades. Con respecto a nuestro proyecto con la yoga, vamos muhcho mejor, va más gente a clases, estamos abrindo en unos días un pequeño restaurant y preparándonos para disfrutar del verano.
Bueno amigo, espero siga bien por la vida, porque ví que eres una persona bien iluminada que debe cumplir con una misón especial, como todos no? esa sensibilidad que tienes, si me permites opinar, la puedes aprovechar en tu autoconocimiento y desde ahí en tu manifestación hacia el beneficio de la humanidad.
Un abrazo enorme y la vida se encargará de llevarnos en algún momento por el mismo camino, sea en esta vida o en otra, porque ya nos juntó alguna vez.
Gonzalo y Familia.
Paul E
Hi David,
Your blogs are getting better and better and giving us plenty to laugh about, well done!!!
Yogesh, at Lawley Phalm was asking about you, he'd lost your blog site address, as was nurse Debbie. I've given them your details. Yogesh says to contact him if you ever need any med help.
Take care and keep well!
Tony At Wrekin
hi there, sorry to hear of your recent illness but glad you have recovered and looking forward to more of your experiences. Well Done
I have been out of the UK on hols for 2 weeks, in New York, so I am already looking forward to your recent photos.
All for now, i have got to prepare myself for vist to Circuits tonight, and the new circuit that awaits me, hopefully not including Russian twists !!
Cheers and all the best , take care
Tony S
"What's that? You want strawberry? Well how about RAWBERRY?!
You'll have gratiutous amounts of energy - more energy than your body has room for.
Feed your babies POWERTHIRST and make them run abnormally fast."
Some of our favourite bits from our favourite Youtube video. I bet everyone else reading your message board probably thinks I'm mad. Oh well, it's the price I'll have pay for loving Powerthirst.
Hope you're enjoying the Galapogos!
Hi david,
It was great to talk to you & see you the other day. So glad you are feeling better. I expect you are eager to see lots more in the next few weeks. I assume that is all that is lef. Hasn't it flown by. Please do not catch anything else! The girls send their love. Jo is working for Ordanance Survey in Southampton all summer until Sept when she & R go to Portugal for a holiday. Ali is preparing for 5 days at the Reading festival & worrying about how she will manage without her hair straighteners. We have had a great time with Canadian visitors over the past few weeks. One second cousin has stayed behind with a 2 year work visa. She just needs work! Looking forward to seeing you on your return. Love from us all. Sue xx
M + D
Hi David,
I hope you are feeling a lot better by the time you read this. Keep up the great blog.
M + D
For some reason my computer wasnt able to open your blog until now! I finally have read most of your entries and LOVE it! Reading your takes on our lovely days together in Argentina makes me travel sick and miss you!!! I never have had so much fun and gotten so close to travel mates as seb and you. What good times we had! Thanks for your insights, friendship and great blog ! Hope to see you at christmas, canada style!! Love Kels