I'll have to suggest that Jim and Sally include a bit of this in the core group.
haha yep i did spell grammar wrong - what a loser! (some things never change!)
rivers eh? well its always the way with these suden down poors!
glad you're having a good time, enjoy the random grammer with your spanish - im pleased to say i have no idea what your talking about with it (a reason maybe why i've never been particularly good at languages!!)
enjoy everything and get some photos up!
Cameron Thompson
Just read your latest blog, your teacher sounds some what kinky in a very non sexual way. I was very pleased to see you started the blog with talk of cakes, do they all come with cherries and can you post me one? I miss our games of squash and lengthy talks on the daily hot topics, such as whats hot and whats not in the world of fashion. I hope the other students are nice and your going out plenty. I look forward to your next update. Stay safe and be cool.
M + D
Sorry to interupt your latest blog composition tonight David, but great to "semi-talk" to you on Skype. We think that our success in making contact was a true piece of British determination.
To explain to everyone reading this - David could hear us but couldn't see us; we could neither hear nor see David, but we could each type messages to one another! Using a mixture of type and talk, at the same time, we had a pretty successful get together!
We are glad that you have now got some vital food supplies sorted out. This must have been spurred on by the teasing of Tony, yesterday.
Enjoy your weekend and don't get too fat!!!
M + D xxxxxxxxxxxx
Tony S
great to see you are doing well, albeit at the dissapointment of the food and the local nature of the canine community
perhaps to ease the way, yes brekkie is as they say the important meal. So in the absence of anything local just think of us over here with problem of having to select from Special K, muesli, kelloggs cornflakes, branflakes, cinammon grahams,weetabix, oatibix, honey nut loops, sugar puffs, etc, etc. Not to forget of course the traditional sat /sunday option of sausage, eggs, ( fried, scrambled,poached) bacon, ( smoked or non) tomatoes, beans, friedbread, toast, red sauce, brown sauce, toast ( brown or white ) tea, coffee.
And the above only applies to brekkie.
Your comments of the lunchtime pasties, conjour up comparisons, - not -
to those who walk the streets of wellington and other towns and cities, biting on a Greggs sausage role, pasty, or similar, in the knowledge that the ingredients are no where near the necessary 5 day - who could eat 5 sausage rolls ?
Your subject on dogs , brings to mind the recent - and this year non publicised, broadcast , CRUFTS event at the NEC last weekend. Due to its BCC broadcast blackout, I for one , did not get chance to watch the whippets and the terriers doing the skills round the arena, and have dearly missed the border collies running in and out of the poles, through the canvas tunnel, or catching a ball which is ejected to them at the press of a button by the paw. Perhaps this could catch on in BA, and become an Argentinian version. Or perhaps more to home, the introdcution of " One Gaucho and his bolas ", could become a cult TV prog.
Seriously, glad to see that you are settling in, and it appears that whilst somewhat unusual in some instances that you are enjoying your time in BA.
It would appear that in reading he last 2 blogs that things have calmed down somewhat in the " local female interests" , topic. Is this intentional or are you just keeping it to your self these days - ha ha.
Well all for now , off to write the shopping list for the weekend and decide upon bagels, croissants, pain au chocolat, or just plain old cereals for brekkie.
See you
all the best
Tony S ( wrekin)
Helen &terry
No words of encouragement from us, the fact that you are there and we are here at home in front of a laptop surfing the web for a sniff of otherworldliness and you are there smelling it in all its maleficent odoriferousness (sorry about that but I seems some of your prose style has rubbed off)
What we really need to know is what is the architecture like.
have a look next time your out, on the swings or dog spotting.
Steve/mary Cox
Hiya dave lucky you on your travels, it will be a fantastic adventure for you, enjoy every minute of it. All the best from the cox/madge family.
Good to read your news David. I agree with Beth: when all else fails use your Brit charm, can't be beaten! Hope the weather is better with you than me- cold, wet....
Look forward to more stories.
Lesley Lesley
Hey David! How are yooouuu?? Great to hear all your travel-stories so far, it sounds as though you're having quite the adventure! Have you been wowing the local ladies with your British charm? (I bet you have).
Anyway, keep enjoying yourself and 'acclimatising' :)
Paul E
Fantastic stuff David, I feel like I'm there with you - keep it up