Some stunning photos uploaded yesterday. We particularly liked the Pueto Varas album.
Did you mention "Tanners of Shrewsbury" around the vineyards?
Stay safe, M & D
Paul E
Nice one Tony!
Sounds like we should have seen the Crows eh David!!!!
Tony At Wrekin
hi there, great to see your trip conitnues to be adventurous and interesting. For a minute then when I was reading of your bus trip into Chile, just having got through the border, i was reminded of Michael Caine and the Italian job, with the coach perched over the precipice.
An update from Blighty, - well with your girth on the increase due to S American food and drink you may be glad to know that the circuit has just changed at Wrekin . Back has come your old favorite, Russian Twists, ( remember with the wooden baton) out has gone 4 point squats, and we have a new activity - titled Superman - I will let you think about that one. Still as strenuous ,as you will recall.
Sorry to mention this, but _ I did see Counting Crows at NIA , this week, I was on front row standing, and on many occasions during the set had a feeling of needing to catch Mr Durvitz, as he tumbled across the stage , and nearly fell into the pit between audience and stsge. On one occasion he attempted a leap from the stage, onto the platform where the drumkit was positioned, missed his footing and ended up , on his rear end, laughing at himself but still managing to hold himself to complete the song.
An awesome night, with 3 bands in total, including my other favorite at present - The Hold Steady , and a new acoustic band called Blind Pilot.
Adam D , sends his regards, and looks forward to seeing you in the future - nb they have announced some dates in N America later in 09,but not sure if you will be elsewhere -
It seems like you had an interesting Chess session, with the locals, - never could get into chess I'm afraid, more of a draughts man for me- he he.
Anyway, all the best keep up the messages, and dont forget to do those Russian twists - you will reap the benefits ( perhaps if you are demonstrating them to the locals, you may need to refer to them as something else !!
tony at Wrekin
Paul E
Hi David,
I really enjoyed reading your last two posts; short cuts do work and the bike ride sounded great fun. Likewise the epic chess games in the square!
Enjoy Chile and stay safe - good job you've got the silk underware!!!
BTW, only just discovered the movies - great stuff but you could do with a bit better script writer!
Hi David,
Sounds fabulous. Like Justine, it makes me miss my old passport.
Hi David, just been catching up on your blog glad to hear you are having lots of fun, It makes me miss my travels now !! Take care
Have lots of fun xx
Paul E
Don't drink ALL of the Malbec!!!!!!
Excellent post, David, I loved the reference to Barnaby - you just can't keep him out of your mind, can you?? (Me neither!)
Wine tasting sounds great too, I bet the sommelier gave you some great stuff.
Enojy Mendoza!
Tony At Wrekin
Hi David
Just looked at the latest photies , the scenes and vistas are amazing. Big Big Blue Skies, and wonderful landscapes. - Wish you were here - without judith Chalmers comes to mind.
Just realisd I am looking at your photos listening to the C Crows , - aint that strange !
All the best , keep up the good work, and Enjoy
Cheers Tony
M + D
Fantastic photos David, certainly worth the wait! Argentina is definately on our list now!!!
Looking forward to the next album. Stay safe.
Love, M + D xx
oh david, i got behind on reading your posts... but got back into it, and it sounds wonderful. i'm so glad you're having a such a good time! email will follow... miss you, and thinking of you, mad xx
Alright David!
First, a confession: I've only skim read your blog entries, but, from what I gather, all seems to be going well.
All is fine in Cambridge. Going for a curry with Steve and Rebecca this eve , your presence will be sorely missed!
It's marathon time again, so Tom is getting increasingly excited (and increasingly unbearable!).Will tell him to let you know of his (fingers crossed) success next week.
Take care of yourself!
Lynne x
p.s at a lull in the thesis writing, I look forward to catching up on your blog posts !