Well folks, I am still on the settee in Gloucester but am in Tonga on the map still. Countdown truly begins here - spoke to Ang this morning who is so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! need to take her pg tips and galaxy chocolate, very busy weekend again this weekend - worked most of Saturday to try and clear my desk Faye will be so pleased with me when she gets in on Tuesday - just got the 2,900 click memos to clear now serves me right for not keeping on top of them - John make sure you turn them off whilst I am away I really dont want to come back to it full again. Irene hope you are reading this because I definately won't be emailing -but will keep you up dated on our adventures via this so no rude messages, and thanks to everyone for humouring me in my countdown hey guess what I am going in 6 days. (whoops sorry by the time you read this - I have gone)
Have had a great weekend though just got home from a wonderful send off from Karen & Steve and all the gang - great to see Paula & Ant and cant wait to meet up with Sam who has just landed a job in Sydney -look out darling your godmother is on her way!!!!! Beers are on you boy, tried to ring Marie today but couldnt get her so will try agin tomorrow - need to make sure she knows we will be hitting Brisabne some time in May - hear she has a lovely new house with pool -cant wait to see it darling.
Caroline you will be pleased to know underwear is now fully replensihed and not only does one have new knickers but new brassiere's as well - can't have those little singapore customs men checking out tatty underwear can I. (or John pegging them on the ozzy washing line looking worse for wear can I)
Have had the full low down from Matt Sarah & Tom on what we have to see and do and they bought us our little travel mate - Colin the Cow - look out for him he is to keep us safe and has to be photographed wherever we go and visit the same places as Charlie & Monkey. Also have my AA guide to Australia just in case I get lost ha ha!! apparently I am not allowed to photograph the abo's without paying them -whatever next !!!!
Am starting to feel a tad excited but also a little nervous - realisation of leaving Jeff & Meg kicking in a bit more now - am sure they will be fine - not looking forward to Goodbyes though, it will be the longest we have ever been appart in 35 years - I am sure you will all look after them for me- god its daft isnt it, trying to think about me for a change is not easy you know, I have thought I have always been the one that held us all together -so in one way them coping without me will be a bit of a strange feeling.
Emily - just wanted to say you are going to be fine whilst I am away and we have everything sorted now I think - and will be so exciting because when I get back the wedding will only be 5 weeks away - and we will have our Auntie's Hen night with you. Sad I will be missing my little twins 1st Birthday so give them a big kiss from there Auntie Teresa won't you.
Nicky make sure Steve sets up msn or skype so we can still have our Joshua fix every week - I don't want him forgetting us - and cant wait to see him on the web cam. I will put Ang's skpe address on here when we get to Melbourne.
Obviously I am looking forward to seeing Ang & John more than anything and am so lucky that our friendship is still as solid as it was, even though we are thousands of miles apart but most of all can't wait to just walk along the bay and watch the dolphins, (or Koi Carp) as our Karen would say - and will definately not be using the word she loves saying to Ang - god we will be laughing so much when Ang gets those photos out, of us in Dublin and will never forget Jane pinching Ang to make her come home that night.
Thinking of my family and sisters just want to say to our Jane & Karen thanks for always being here for me and for all the help Jane has given us with booking this trip, " her is so clever you know" - it great to have such a great big sister but sometimes I do worry about you darling - you have to let us help you sometimes, I hope you know we will always be there for you, as all of our lives you have always been the one that is always there for us. As far as I can remember it was always "I'm telling Jane about you" whatever little swabble or argument we had as kids it was always you - not Mum & Dad you first then them. You have not only been a great big sis but the most fantastic Auntie to all of our kids and beleived in each and everyone of them and I know they all look up to you as well. So just wanted to say love you lots and lots always and will hopefully have a great time with Marie and some nice long chats and no doubt a couple of beers, and I will give her a great big hug from you - it must be hard for you at times - god knows what I will be like if Sian falls in love with OZ we will just have to find a nice nursing home somewhere out there with a room for us both when we need it.
Better go now as have to get up in the morning, no normal monday morining off this week but as only four days to work - think |I will make it
Lots of Love - hope you are enjoying my waffle so far
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