Well - here we are blog number two -only 2 weeks to go now - still cannot believe it is happening Ang woke me up this morning Easter sunday -she wants me to take Galaxy Chocolate and PG tips tea bags and 12 bolts for the bed- anyone would think we were goining across the other side of the world -Oh yes forgot we are !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It has been a very eventful 2 weeks since I made my first entry -somehow I thought I had plenty of time at work and home to be calm and organised but life at Hadwen does not allow that does it ? What the the fire and QOF - last week nearly finished me off but all calm again now -had a nice meeting with Ian our new practice manager who is starting when I am away -he even turned up in uniform - ok but doesnt beat the New York fire fighter uniforms on my calender.
Sian has tried to give her notice in at the Country club but Kate wouldnt accept it -so at least she may have some work when she gets back !!!
We had a fantasic quick weekend with our precious Dolores last weekend, she flew over for 2 days and nights, as usual we had a great but short time together -Clare came with her and it was her first trip to England -can you belive that - we found a irish person that had not been to England let alone Cheltenham.
This weekend was supposed to be time for getting everything ready so this is what I have got done so far:
1. 4 hours of ironing - serves me right for not doing it last weekend -not sure what i will come back to though because yes this is the one and only thing Jeff or Megan dont do in the house -I know hard to beleive isnt it - still Meg has enough clothes to last dont you darling?
2. Booked us into The Residence -in Singapore - comes highly recomended check it out cant wait to watch the line dancing apparently its all the rage out there- not sure about the sports facilities though -but rooms and pool looks ab fab -so will give us chance to chill out and its just round the corner from Raffles - where we will be partaking in the famous Singapore Slings in the long bar
3. Printed off our itineray and sent it to Ang just to make sure she is there at the airport at 5 in the morning to fetch us
4. Printed off our Visa's
5. Sorted out all the bills and paperwork at home - just in case
6. Bought myself a new pair of comfortable flip flops or thongs - I somehow cant bring myself to call them that the vision of me in a thong doesnt ring right somehow and Caroline you will be pleased to know I also got myself some new knickers and its not even May yet!!
7. Phoned BT and arranged free phone calls to Oz just so I can speak to jeff from time to time - I suggested teaching him how to use MSN & Skype but he couldnt quite take it.
8. Sorted out travel visa cards - sian has got her own thank god
Not sure what else I need to do - the main thing that is worrying me is my desk -will I ever clear it and make sure I have handed everything over to someone.
Everyone is ok at home and as yet not had any worries about me going - bit worried about Meg as I thought Caroline was going to be home for her but the Americans are keeping Stephen hostage so doesnt look like she will be home - so all of the rest of you need to make sure she is ok _ I know Nicki (ah bless) is taking responsibility for keeping Jeff on track -and I have given James (Megs Boyfriend strict instructions to look after her whilst I am away) so James its down to you boy!!!!!! I promise I won't talk about weddings anymore and Nicki you will deserve every pair of Ugg Boots I can carry!!!
Well thats all for now folks - will keep you posted on how things are going
Lots of Love
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Sian Cant wait Mummy we are going soon - Love you lots