Hello Everyone - can you believe it - two days before we go and as usual the hinder's luck kicks in again and nothing straight forward just a volcano erupting, of all the reasons to delay us -really is unbelievable, but hey ho staying fairly calm at the moment, am on the sette as usual , 'Poor Jeff. - if anyone says that to me again I think I might cry for him -actually I think I might say it what he has put up with today - its 10.00pm and he is just taking James to the train station and running round with Sian trying to find a pair of navy blue jogging bottoms for her to wear on the plane - now come on she has to get her priorities right doesnt she.
I have just logged on to the BA web site for the 4th time today and found out that the flight before ours has definately been cancelled, all it is saying about ours is 'Estimated' so dont know what that means - have rung Auntie Jane twice tonight as she is my font of all knowledge, she sounds really poorly - if you are not better by Monday -get to the docotrs big sis......
I have had an amazing week as well as a hectic one - worked all day Saturday, then had to dash to Becki's aid as my little twins were poorly bad and had to go back in hospital -but all well now thank goodnes, then little ella came out with chickenpox, how could i keep away from all that - I will prob arrive in Oz covered in spots and chucking my guts up knowing my luck.
Everyone has been amazing this week - started with a fantastic Barbque with the Williams gang and they gave us Colin to take on our travels - you will all meet him very soon - thanks Karen love you lots and Polly will make sure I give Sam a big hug from you.
Then I had a great night at the Polash with a few of the gang from work, Patty hang on in there and Sarah B I will do my best to carry out all of my tasks.
And one of the funniest nights ever at Knit & Natter with the gang giving it there all as ususal - I still can't get the vision of Viv Marion & Marilyn sat there in their hats with corks daggling down as well as Cynth and Sandra in their Hawain shirts, we had tins of chilled fosters as well as a aray of home made Australian cakes - well done girls you done me proud, many many thanks it is great to have such a group of amazing friends and I have talked about this many times with Caroline it means so much to be part of such a great group.
It was a very strange feeling last night walking out of the surgery saying bye to everyone, and instead of the usual 'see you in the morning' saying with the biggest smile 'Bye see you all on June 7th' cant quite beleive it is happening still. But my desk is cleared emails done and 'Out of Office turned on - the card they gave me was amazing -photos of them all just incase I forget them - 'as if' -keep up the good work gang - i'll be back (perhaps)
God I am so glad I am going to miss all this election stuff - i know we should be concerned about who runs our country but the hype is ridiculous and I dont think we can cope with many more changes to our NHS, education etc etc can we -who will get it right?
I have just spoken to my presious Dolores who is really poorly at the moment - Miss Hannigan - make sure you get better - I will be back I promise and I will ring next week to see what the doctors say? just incase I dont agree with them
Today has been totally mad - got up and packed my case with Jeffs help of course, then my little Joshua and of course very special Nikki who will be Meg & Jeffs guardian angel - along with the rest of you came up and we played rugby in the garden for ages he is a little drug that boy and can bring a smile to anyones face, especially when you take him to the big toilet and he sits there asking if I have a willy too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well whilst I am here panicking if we have a flight or not Sian is still fretting about her jogging bottoms - they are all back now so I am off to see if I can sleep and finish of sorting bits -will keep you all informed
Lots of Love -please all pray the volcano dust has gone
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