No prizes for guessing where I am ! D & D are sharing quality time ?????????? Enjoyed the blog from Kathmandu. Shame you missed Mr Lama you should have left your visiting card for him then he would have been at home ...........second thoughts thats not a good idea for you is it ? Gawd knows what card you would have lost then .............ha ..ha ...ha !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... Your parcel has arrived from India a little travel battered but intact. Will that be your outfit fot Glastonbury next year ? !!! You will certainly fit in with the natives !! Looking forward to Everest photos, have fun . Love and miss you loadsxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hey Raquel! Looks like you are having a was base camp? We areback in sunny Cornwall trying to pretend we are still abroad by hitting the beach with my new longboard! Working hard to pay off debts and go and travel all over again. Goin to Bath in a couple of weeks as all my stuff is there and I am not so will say hey for you. Can you email me nicole's mobile so we can hook up? Cheers. Take care and enjoy! Lots of love Mel and mand xXx
Pc Jen!
From 1 PC to another.....yes I finally got in the Specials!!! I'm grinning from ear to ear and practising my walk for plodding the steps of sunny Glossop come September!!! They'll not know what's hit them!! And well done Killer Kelsall, you make the northerners proud!!
Keep the stories and pics coming PC, they are a good read despite what Nicole's students think!
Speak soon and take care Jen xxxx
Very glad to hear you got connected with your card !!!!!!Enjoy the Everest trek. The highway photos were very good I didn't print the ones of you with gun for nan I think that might have given her the wrong ideas ! All is well here apart from heavy rain showers I think you would have needed welly boots at Pilton !!! lots of love , missyou loads xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hey Folks
New photos on board at last, I know they're in a mess but I will add captions and rotate them when I reach Delhi...until then twist those necks and enjoy!
Thanks for all the messages sorry I can't reply to all your individual e-mails, I'm trying!
Welcome home Mel and Mand come join me somewhere when you've saved up again! congrats to Nicole for her new job at Grange Hill, Tabs for her new job and Amy and Steve on your engagement thanks for waiting til I get back to get Wed! Happy Birthday to Tobes for the 13th glad you got my text...
All those off to Glasters have many for me...Gutted to miss my first in 12 years!!!!!!!!!! India or no India.
Take care xx
Hello Rach ( and Nicole)
Am minding Keiran whilst he is recovering from scarlet fever. The only symptons he's had are a rash and a cold so he's as lively as ever !!!! Have completed recent instructions and all is well . Do I get any recompense for being your long distance PA whilst you are away ????????? !!!!!!!!! Trust India will be slightly more civilised ! (Hi Nicole -- pleased to hear you are discovering the joys of teaching ???? It's amazing what the little blighters can get up to isn't it ? Or not as the case may be . Here's wishing you luck for September..........and strength and humour and plenty of ink in your pen and ability to switch off at staff meetings when you know it's rubbish !!!!)
Am now watching Prehistoric Park for third time today!! love you lots miss you loads xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Rach, Just read your latest blog, looks great.. and £5.70 for a family currey!!????!!!? not sure about the extras with it though>>>>>. Bumped into Simon Thorne and a few others today, he asked about you and sends his very best !! I think secretly they are missing you. Speak soon, all the best Ad xx
Can't wait for the book to come out - who will play you in the film??? I've got a few ideas!!
Speaking of films - just to break it to you gently... THEY'VE PULLED THE PLUG ON DOUBTFIRE 2
Still, I'll bet the film of your travels has an essence of the Doubtfire about it!
From reading your Mum's entries, it sounds like she's having more fun than you (Hello Shirley - how are you?)
Anyway, going back into the garden to sit on Derek Deck-Chair whilst I mark some coursework - they really are rubbish and I very much doubt that these students would be able to read your forth-coming book, let alone write one.
Still countdown to Glastonbury is still on (as is Countdown itself) so naturally all are getting very excited but I will have to leave a day early as I have a lunch meeting at my new school and since it is so posh I reckon I'll need more than a spray of the old Lynx and a splash of Brut before I go!!
Right Laterz
Have just read your recent blog....looking forward to the photos ! All well here except for Kieran who has woken up with a lovely rash today !!!Nothing too serious since he is still running around and shows no sign of being poorly ! Daniel put a film on for him to watch before going out so we are watching Jurassic Park for the umpteenth time. I have a running commentary on what's going to happen next !!!!!!! Glad to hear your tummy bug has gone . Hope you will be able to 'connect' with you card in Delhi !!! Lov and miss you lotsxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Pc Kaye
Hiya Mate :)
No, of course this isn't the first time I've posted you a message. How bad a friend would that make me?!
Sounds like you're having an amazing time and really getting in to the 'once in a lifetime' spirit of things. Reading some of your blogs I'm thinking the book is proving more useful than I could have imagined. Just promise me you'll post a pic if you really do have to save yourself from a runaway Camel! :)
Mexico was fantastic and completely luxurious. Nothing compared to what you and your Prison Break crew are putting up with.....Although the maid did forget to refill the mini-bar once. Tut. Oh and we missed our outbound flight. But that's another story! No other gossip (that I'm willing to share on a public message board!) so until next time....Take care, stay safe and Carry On Camping!
p.s. Love the headscarf (you really can't go wrong with black) but still think we should've gone with the Custody blanket!
Hi folks hope you enjoy the latest blog ignore the first entry from Karimabad power went down so I had to begin again and I'm unable to delete the first version anyway happy reading! Photos to follow!
Miss you all xx
The Other Ming
Ming - most wicked to speek to you over the weekend - so so so jealous of your latest exploits! Pakistan will be fantastic....interesting, cultural, and I'm sure you'll find somewhere that sells alcohol, even if it's not vodka, lime & soda or black sambuca!!
Can't believe you're heading to the places that I've just returned from! When you get to Dharamsala (Where Mr Lama lives), head up to McLeod Ganj to stay - it's 10km by road, 3km on foot and is much more happening than Dharmsala itself. We stayed in hotel Tibet on the Bhagsu Road (IR 450 a night - roughly £5) - it's basic, clean & has it's own shower - much to my relief after washing for the previous month from buckets! McLeod Ganj is where most of the Tibetan guys in red hang out, and is a really chilled place!
Not sure if you've got a chance to head over to Manali - truely stunning - the adventure capital of India (as well as the drug capital - doh!) From either Dharmsala or Kullu (50km south of Manali) there are airports you can fly down to Delhi, or from both places there's a bus back to Delhi (15-18 hours) - just make sure you get on the local bus if you want to e scared witless for the entire journey!
From Delhi, Agra and the Taj Mahal are only 2 hours away by train. The fast Mumbai train stops at Agra, and leaves a couple of times a day - we got the 6am one which was a good bet as it wasn't as hot as it could have been (42 degrees compared to 49 degrees when we left at lunch time!) There's only one train back though, leaving Agra at 20:30 - we were so hot by that stage we hired a taxi to take us the 400km back to Delhi (IR 2000 or £24) which was bliss, and opened our eyes yet further to the driving skills the Indian's don't have! Traffic duty in Frome would be a piece of piss compared to dealing with the automotive habits around Delhi!!
Life's back to normal for me - "Working 9 to 5", homeless, carless, but gradually getting my life sorted! Missing you, and not only on our Thursday night adventures!