Have just been looking at your latest photos. Nan is here with me so have printed some off for her. we have actually had some sunshine today but more rain forcast for tonight !!! We are glad we don't live on a flood plain !!D and D were let down on house they wanted in Rossiters Road so are still looking. I am using your computer at moment Daniel put my hard drive into yours since mine was completely caput ! He still has your hard drive ! The roads in Tibet look a wee bit dodgy did the sat nav take you on the B instead of A road ????!!! Hope the weather will be good next week for the Nunney street fayre, but the forcasters say that summer won't arrive until the third week in August !!!! Have you mastered the chinese menu yet? Not ordered dog or anything nasty I hope ! Love and miss you loads xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Dad Kim And James
Hi Rachel, I've just looked at the photos and you look like you're having fun, not sure about the driver on those track roads though, tell him to take it easy { sorry its a dad thing!]. Enjoy yourself love, love dad x
Hi Rach, great photos,I imagine Everest could be one of the highlights of the trip, do you think? Sid is desperate to come out to visit but is snowed under with work, although I did get him to come to see mum last weekend with Janette. Mum was really pleased to receive a postcard from you, she says to say thanks and she sends her love.
We had a great time in France, it was really hot {nice to get away from the rain},so we've decided to go back in September for James' birthday.
Hope you're getting on ok with the food, apart from ordering!, we think the dodgy photo may be dog, hope you have'nt had any by mistake. I remember that was one of your fears! Anyway have a great time and we'll hopefully speak soon, love kim x
Hi, Rach, I would like to go to Everest when I'm older, it looks good fun.
I've broken up from school now and last wednesday we all went to Monkey world with our teachers and I really enjoyed it.
In the summer holidays I am going to centre parks with mum and maybe dad. Can't wait to see you, love Jamesx
Toby 'danger' Worth
Wow, what an amazing time you're having. You can bet there are a hundred people back here all wondering how long it's going to take them to save up the cash, ditch the spouse and kids and book a ticket. It really does look like the experience of a lifetime.
You don't know what you're missing though.. really! Britain is enduring some of the hottest weather since records began. It's 30 degress on average and flamingoes have started breeding on the south coast. We're having to deal with dolphins eating hippies off dorset and Somerset is being overrun with blackberry bushes. It's madness! Madness I tell you!
The government have even subsidised trips to the north for people without air-conditioning (it's still very grim up there.. floods and everything.. they bring it on themselves with their fridge-smashing antics and tyre-burning, but they won't listen).
Other than that, it's life as usual. I'm playing in an 11-a-side league from next week (check me out.. all those years of playing curby came in handy after all!). I've got shin-pads and everything! I'll send you a photo of our first game. We'll be playing in gay 'sky blue', but we're called Dynamo Regis, which is a buff name.
I'm seeing Warren and Dan from Bath next month. They're coming up to London to stay, which will be cool since I haven't seen them in together in years and certainly not up here. It's Finn's son's (my nephew's!) christening that same weekend, so I'm having a bit of a dilemma about what to do (have put off Wazz and Dan so long, I'm going with them, plus the fact none of our family are christians or vaguely god-fearing and it's clearly Finn's missuses idea gives me a bit of a get out, guilt-wise. But he's sent me a lovely invite which is making it hard..).
Off to France in September with Lloydy and Amy. Gayvid is coming over too but other than that it's going to be relatively quiet. Not that we need to go abroad for sunshine, this place is hotter than Jessica Alba's swimming trunks.
Ciao for now, Raquel. Take care and don't forget my wife!
How jealous am I?! Your pics look amazing. Keep having fun! :)
Ming!! Can't wait to find out how Tibet was! Sorry to have missed you on Skype....I was obviously outside having a smoke!! No real news to report...just the norm! Like drunken nights, loose men and a laugh! Wish you were here, but looking forward so much to coming to South Africa. Dave K's sorting out my flights - he's able to get me a massive discount which is wicked! I haven't been up to see Toby @ STA yet as I haven't received your photos...If they don't turn up, I've got some great ones of you I could use!! Looking forward to the next chapter...hope you're continuing to have a most wicked time, and are working on your tan - no mini-breaks to Keynsham needed anymore!
No new messages on the board, so I thought that I would write a bring you up to date with what's happening in the office. We are now called the SSN team, Safer, Stronger Neighbourhoods. We are now up to 8 PCSO's, expecting another one soon. Dean had an accident in his car (he is ok), not his fault, a lorry came around the bend a smacked the side and didn't bother stopping, but was found and dealt with , but the car's a write off, he just bought it as well.
Darren G has taken half my beat off of me, now it's more managable. Love your Blogs and photo's, keep them coming. Regards from everyone in the office.
Dave A
On the holiday of a life time and your sat listening to Jo Whiley's changing tracks............
Rock on!!!!!
Sorry to hear your'e having trouble ordering your meals in China . It's quite easy here. We just ring up and give them a number !!!!! Enjoyed blog and photos ! miss you loads xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx You might get some more messages from little bro now mum has shown him what to do !! lts of love xxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi rach,
At the moment me and mum are doing a map to mark where you've been.And we have got the summer party on saturday it will be fun!Last weekend I went to my friends party and the we went into the woods and in my friends pool and then i went to see Shrek the 3rd with Grandad and auntie Sue.
I like looking at the photos
love from James.
Thanks so much for your personal e-mail. Can't respond by pressing their link, it doesn't seem to work. Hence this e-mail.
I'm going to be in Oz probably until Christmas, then North Island, NZ, then will be in South America about the same time that you are there. I'm hoping to join up with Toucan Tours to go overland in S. America and may also do an Antartic cruise. Hoping to do a month on a project on Galapogas Islands. Sorting out flights and final details this weekend. Will try to e-mail you again to fill you in on rest of the details. Interested to hear about your friend's phone that costs the same as a UK phone. Any idea of service provider? Need all the help and info. a seasoned traveller like you can give me.
Take care out there.
Little Bro
hello onarcel this is da second message know i got it wrong the first time what do you expect im a tarmacr evryfins fine bk here [cnt stop writn in tx mode haha] dont need two ask if your having a good time can see that from your pictures.Me and debbie r still good we were goin 2 meet you when we go away on hols but you will be in oz and i cant afford that.keep having a good time and il write again.hopfuly i have got it right this tme lots of love your little bro missn you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ps dont forget my presents
Very pleased to hear you will have company in South Africa !!!!I am sure south africans are very nice but....All are ok here Nan wasn't happy when we went to wedding in Plymouth but we had a great day ! And the sun shone all day, company and food very good ! Told vodafone about the everest mast they weren't impressed but said you would be ok in China ! Will watch out for pillowcase from royal mail . miss and love you lots xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx