Firstly apologies for the delay I've just spent nearly two hours in a cafe in Olundinez, Turkey desperately trying to put some photos on the blog absolute headache I think the connection is going via Mars...anyway I'm here now so I shall begin and bore some of you amuse I hope others!!
Last time I touched base I was in Bucharest, remember how I said it didn't feel quite right well after I updated the blog that time we continued drinking in the cool bar as we really didn't feel the need to see the city given the bad feeling we?felt.... anyway on route home (a little worse for wear may I add) after sinking a few cocktails thinking we'd won the lotto (drinks were cheap Mum!) I got mugged well sort of....
The toe rag picked on the wrong tourist. We were central waiting for cabs when I turned around and saw a thief rooting in my bag which was stupidly to the rear of me...he pulled out my mobile and then had the cheek to try and convince me rather agresively it was his!!! I don't think so. Thursday nights at Alice's kickboxing class well and truly paid off, I punched the idiot in the stomach slightly winding him (eye witness account!) grabbed my phone then chased this point I was unsure if he had taken anything else so it was worth a try (I stupidly thought) I didn't catch him neither did another friend who gave chase. We continued to wait for a cab only to see five mins later the same toe rag in his bright yellow tracksuit apear again! More of us gave chase but we lost him and jumped in the next cab...I love my mobile!! Mum/Dad I won't do anything like that again I promise!! not only us but the majority of the group didn't think much to Romania's capital.. Just a shame I couldn't claim a detection!! (work pun)
So from Bucharest we head East to Bulgaria country number 9 perhaps...?? Rolling hills mountains and plush green fields greeted us, unfortunately much of which had far too much fly tipping for my liking but for many of us it reminded us of home. (not the fly tipping parts!) We stopped for a 2 hour jaunt around a citadel I fell asleep on the ruin walls whilst the rest of the group played tourist. Our first night in Bulgaria was spent at a spectacular working Monastery. Chief Monk greeted us with open arms as did we as it was our first beds in a while and as damp as they were we slept well I would go on and describe it but I have already been in this internet cafe so long and have so much to write when I find another one I will go in and edit bits and pieces but for now I'm keen to get something down esepcially after Sam's text I recieved a few days ago "update your blog you muppet" thanks mate miss you too! Morning after the monks was a trip to some local caves, damp and cold but awesome. Please see pics!!
After breakfast in the monastery we endured a long drive to reach a nice spot 30km from the border with Turkey for a bushcamp near the river. Truck life is still good though and none of mind the long drives the views are amazing I'm learning new card games and I'm using my pilates exercise bands on board!!
That brings me up to Turkey so I'll end here the title of this blog should be Bucharest to Bulgaria not Turkey but I'm having trouble editiing it now and begin another blog again I know it's brief but I've already missed a group truck meal and it was chicken!!
Missing you all xxx
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