Hi folks a very brief update have just had an hour here in the internet cafe uploading photos for them to crash at the end so will try again tomorrow if possible. Anyway am now in Cappadocia region of Turkey following my last blog from Olundinez we drove to Olympus for our final beach stop until Vietnam and the eternal flames. Had our longest drive yesterday 12 hours to reach Cappadocia which is beautiful. After a 1000m trek up to the flames yesterday at Olmpos we had a 10km walk this morning through the Lhara Valley photos to come soon and I have to say it was the best walk I have ever done! Got to rush now truck is waiting and we are now heading to a campsite in Goreme for 2 nights my group is on cook duty too so be back in touch as soon as technology allows!!
Missing you all
Rach xxx
P.S Excuse the mistakes Turkish keyboards!!
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