Kya Travels
I got a few hours sleep on the night bus this time, but Darren didn't get any sleep! So we arrived in Istanbul at around 7am, then got on the shuttle bus, where we waited for ages for other people before the bus went anywhere! But eventually we got back into the city centre and walked down the street to our hostel, which was a different one to last time! We checked in, but the room wasn't ready as it was still early, so we got a seat on the couch and used the wifi for a bit while we waited. It didn't take them long at all though, which was amazing, and we went upstairs where we had a private room, so we could actually get some sleep! And we slept! We woke up around mid afternoon, and went out to find some lazy food. We went to a Burger King up the road, where they had a bean burger for me, and meat burger for Darren. After we ate, we just went back to the hostel where we chilled in the room and watched a movie and used the wifi for the rest of the afternoon and early evening. At one point, we had to choose between staying in and going back to bed, or heading out to meet a friend, and it was a close call but eventually we got up and headed out. We walked to the metro and got a tram down to a stop near Taksim Square, then walked up a steep hill and through the crazily busy street which had a really cool kind of party vibe, to the bar where our Canadian friend Lena, who we had met in Cesky Krumlov was having a drink with some people from the couchsurfers community. We met her host, Birkan, and another Turkish guy who was hanging with them, then had a chat and a beer together for a bit. When the music got a bit too danceish for us, we headed out with Lena and Birkan to find some food. After walking for a bit we found a place with some seats on the terrace and we shared a bottle of wine and Darren and I got a meal. (The other guys had already eaten) After a good meal and chat there, we were asked to hurry up and leave (politely) as the place was closing up, so we finished our wine then headed out. We walked up to the taxi rank where Birkan walked up the line trying to get a good deal on a cab for Darren and I, as the metro had finished running. He got a deal for 20 lira (~$10) and we made our plans to meet the next day, said goodbye to them, then jumped in the taxi. We laughed with the taxi driver about the crazy traffic, as he had no English, so humour was our language, then he dropped us at our hostel and we went upstairs to bed.
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