Kya Travels
We slept in for ages today, waking up briefly when Sean left to go to the Cliffs of Mohor, then when we finally woke up we hung out and chatted with Larisa while we got ready, which got a little bit D&Mish and full on, then when we were ready we headed out. We walked down to the supermarket, via getting lost on the wrong side of the Christmas markets, and it was so cold out there! (Larisa was wearing shorts too... Oops!) When we found the supermarket we went in and bought some ingredients for dinner and some snacks as well, then started wandering back, after walking through the markets. We stopped at a fish and chip shop for some lunch which we took back to the hostel to eat, then we just hung out in the common room for a while, snacking, watching TV and playing guitar. The room suddenly filled with a massive group of uni students who were drunk already, after celebrating the end of exams, which was a little bit annoying and a little bit amusing. Sean got back after a bit, and after hanging out for a while, him and Larisa went out for a walk, Darren went to buy some beers, and I started cooking up some risotto and garlic bread for dinner. It was ok, but not my best effort ever! After dinner we got ready, then headed out on the town. We went to a bar called Tig Coili where we got a beer and found a table where we drank together and had a chat. We chatted with some funny drunk girls in christmas jumpers who loved Darren's 'Dublin has the biggest population in all of Europe... cos it keeps Dublin and Dublin and Dublin' joke, then when it was almost 11pm, Larisa let us use her phone to book some concert tickets, as Lyle had lent us some money so we could go see Eddie Vedder play in Melbourne in February. We chatted to heaps more people over the time there, and it seems to be an Irish thing to go out in Christmas jumpers! It's really dorky and cool! After a fun couple of hours or more there we ended up heading off when the bar finished serving, and walked around to find somewhere else. Everywhere seemed to be doing last drinks at that time, so instead of wandering around we ended up asking someone, who pointed us towards the Quays, which was open for another few hours. We went in and found a table and spent some time chatting and laughing and playing a coaster flip and catch drinking game. That was amusing for a while. We listened to the band do a funny version of Galway Girl with all the lyrics changed around, then Darren and I spent about half an hour trying to get a photo of Darren throwing coasters in the air. It took ages, but it was so worth it! After a while Larisa and Sean headed back to the hostel while we hung around for another drink. We ended up joining a table of Irish guys who were at the next table who were really cool. Their friend was pretty much passing out at the table, and went home not long later, but Gene, Tabgh and the other guy stayed on and hung out with us, and we all had a good chat and some laughs together. Eventually the pub was closing up and we were asked to leave, so we headed out the front where we made possible lunch plans for the next day, then said goodbye and walked back to the hostel. The security guy out the front unlocked the kitchen for us so we could sneak our beers out, under the pretense of eating the leftover risotto. (Alcohol isn't allowed in the rooms) So we put the beers in our pockets and headed up to the room where Darren finished off both the beers with only a few sips help from me, before I got in bed and stayed there!
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