Hello again,
Well since my last post, I went to London and Lincoln. First, London was awesome! So many great things to see! I saw all the landmarks and even saw a musical! My friends and I saw Fiddle on the Roof! It was really cool to see and provided some much needed time away from the wind. I'll tell you, the wind here is really something. I have never felt something that cold. The weather itself, isn't that cold, it's the wind!! After the play we went around and saw the landmarks at night! The next day, I met up with the group and we saw Hampton Court Palace. Henry the VIII live there with his 7 wives. This place was huge, and it had some beautiful gardens! I got a little lost in the hedge maze, but eventually got out!
Next, I went to Lincoln last Friday as a field trip for my British Studies class. It was a cold and rainy day. Lincoln itself has a lot of history dating back to the Romans! I saw the castle that still holds criminals, and the beautiful cathedral! It truely was pretty! You'll have to look at my pictures to see more! We left and returned to Harlaxton for a relaxing weekend! I had a cold, but am now recovering.
Next weekend, I trek up to Scotland! Talk to later! Katherine
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