Hi girls, Glad to know that Margot looked after you when you arrived in Melbourne - we were rather worried for a time! Longing to read you next blog - don't keep us waiting too long.Hope you're both well and still enjoying yourselves. Take care, luv you lots xxxxxxx
Chris K
Hi Girls, Just playing catch up - along with thousands of others, I got the dreaded virus over Christmas and New Year and am only just beginning to feel normal again (whatever that is). Been right through all your news and yes I am still sooooooooo jealous although very happy that you are both having fantastic time. Gavin was home at Christmas - broken collarbone. He said it was a "beer injury". In fact he fell off a table in a pub in Twickenham after the Varsity Match!!! Disgusting. Anyway, keep all the news coming - it's brilliant. Love Chris x x x
Just wanted to say hi again and missing you both so very much! Also Hi to Mummy n Daddy Gally and Hi to mummy and daddy Vye :-) hope u had a nice xmas and new yr!
awwwwwwww hope your both ok! Keep coming on here to see ur next blog but sadly not one yet :-( I will be waiting heheh! Love you lots Lozzie x x x x
forgot to say i saw a message for you on face book from Lizzie re the present she sent you, it has come now but was obviuosly not here before you left, now i know what it is i might have to open it and even wear it, i am very jealous!
So lovely to talk to you over the weekend, its lovely to hear what you are getting up to, thiught i would drop you a line, trying to catch up with notes etc but Naomi is off and the phone has not stopped ringing.
Set up your video last night and then realised it was the girls last night, gemma bissix was the first to go , she was in the bottom 2 with Melinda Messenger, Don't think the judges liked Gemma, she did come accross as a bit bolshy, the only threat to Ray at the moment is Jessica from Libery X , she was the best girl by far.
The boys popped over for an hour last night , dad is doing taking Christian,s car for it's MOT, they are both good, were both asking after you and where you are etc, they think the time is wizzing by!
Dad went to Wales and back yesterday for a trial with Fred,said he rode well and enjoyed it but was crashed on the sofa by 9, but he did get up at 5.
ross , seward and stan are back in to the gym, they have been going loads, just have to wait to see if the novelty wears off!
well need to get out on my visits, enjoy your last couple of days in sydney, keep safe both of you, love and miss you so very muchxxxxxxxxxxx
Dawn Brooks
hello girls,hows it going down under,no i hav^nt been drinking!not long left before you leave ozzy,whats your favorite place so far?keely has had 3 driving lessons and doing well did 3 point turn yesterday!!lauren is fine,getting really tall now,i think she will overtake keely,the weather here is alot better than it has been.looking lovely and brown girls,whats this about the ozzy men jem,!!!!!!!!!!!dont have alot of news. keep safe.love and miss you uncle bill sends his love,as we all do xxxxxxxxxxxx
Daddy V
Hi girls (and happy new year!). At home today as we are having cavity wall insulation done (how exiciting!!!!!) to make your bedroom warmer. Soooooooooo jealous of all your adventures and exploits but love reading all about them on my daily visit to the blog. You both look really well and happy (is it the goon?). Christmas was not the same without you and santa missed out on the mince pie and sherry. How lovely of the Skeel's to make you so welcome ---thanks Tony, Sue and family, look forward to seeing you in August.
I spoke to uncle Paul re your text, he hopefully will answer you soon. Please keep the emails and calls regular and of course the blog as it is my daily ray of sunshine.
Without wishing your adventure to end I can't wait till April to see you. Keep well and safe!
Love Daddy V xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hello lovelies, Just sent u a txt to see what your up to Friday night or if u have any plans? No pressure of course, just thought id see cos I know its your last weekend here before leaving on the 20th….just wasn't sure if I was texting your old uk number or your new oz number? Silly me!! So anyway, just thought id write on here also just so I don't miss u :) Hope your having a lovely time here, was so good to see u boxing day, hopefully can catch up for some more wine once more before you leave :) ha ha If not, we'll have to make up for it when im back in the uk in August!!Lots of love,Mel xx
Hi Hunnies, hope you are both ok, the tans are coming on a treat, hope you are moisturising well! tried to phone last night which is monday at 11am your time but there was nn reply, will try again very soon.
Dancing on ice is great, Ray Quinn is so good, did not think of it until today but I will tape all his performances for you on your TV, he is being compared to Kieran Bracken! Graham La Soax was the first to go, a little unfair as Todd Carty was pretty awful(another Jon Sargant scenario).
It is much warmer here now,but apparantly is getting colder again by wednesday, you picked the right year to go away as it must be the clodest winter for a long time.
Waiting patiently for the next blogg and photos.
Love and miss you very muchxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hey ladies!Well i wrote you a big message on here the other day and it deleted so here it goes again...
Coogee is lush, yeah maccys...how can u miss it?I went there twice xmas day when I was there! Did you go to the Palace? Do they still do paper, scissor, stone game in there? If you beat the barman u get the drink free??
Where you off to now? Loving reading about your travels and looking at your photos!
Training is going well, going into week 6 now! have something to tell you which may make you slighty jealous! Next week we have to do a community placement for 5 days.....and mine is a the fireservice....thats right I get to hang out with a bunch of firemen for a week!! :-) ha ha!!!
Stay safe girlies!
Love and kisses....miss you both...Love Kez xxxxxx
Hey lovely brown ladies! So jealous of your sexy tans, I just put my arm near one of ur pictures lol and I am actually a milk bottle lol! Loved all your pictures! Was so lovely for you to call me on xmas day I feel so special hehe you both made me giggle as u was rather tipsy loved it! Kt is that your new number for traveling that you txt me on? So where you off to next?
I forgot to tell you on the phone I saved christmas in my house-heres the story............ It was Thursday night a week before christmas I was having a bad dream and woke up. I heard our back gate open and thought is that Paul? I looked at the time and it was 4.00AM!!!! I thought no cant be! I tried to get back to sleep then heard the back door handle turning............ I jumped out of bed looked out my back window where I can see my back door.....I screamed when I saw a man trying to break in..... Without thinking i banged on my window he looked up at me then ran off!!! As i ran to my mum n dad room I saw there was two of them. Dad phoned the police and they came round but didn't catch them! I've never shaken so much in my life lol! After christmas the police phoned and told us they had caught the d*** heads!
Any way apart from that had a great christmas and new year ended up a good night went for a meal with James,Alicia, Chris, Kez and Richard then went to Goldern Lion for a few-- Alicia got very drunk lol and was singing into a flower most of the night lol!
Cant wait to hear from you again love you soooooo much and missing you soooooooo much Lozziex x xx x x x x x Molly says woof x x x
Hi Girls been a while so thought would say hello. hope u recovered from a few heavy nights, and dont pretend u havent because when i get a text from Jem in the middle of the afternoon saying 'I love u Rossy' its pretty clear! ha x 15 mins to go till the weekend out tonight for a few, so will have one for u...not that i think u need it. Take care speak soon.