I know your on your way to sydney and i hope you have fun!!! Happy early b-day buddy!!!! MIss ya
Mom, Dad, can we make bunk beds... the beds align perfectly and it will give us more space to do activities!!
.. youre grown adults you dont need permission to make bunks..
..whats that noise.. NO POWER TOOLS IN THE HOUSE
hahaha i hope you;ve seen step brothers and enjoyed it as much as i did or that will make no sense!! lol
as for the exam it is in 54 minutes and instead of studying i am checking your blog! basically if i fail i have you to blame!
well im back in mississauga in 10 days but then im going on a field course to bahamas for 2 weeks at the end of april... after that i will be starting work at good ol' weed-a-way.. but once things settle down there i should be able to figure out when i can take some vacation.. they are super busy at the start of the year but then near the end of the summer they are pretty dead so i am sure i would be able to swing a week or two off to come and see you!! i am actually so excited so i hope you know that i am completely serious!!
anyways im going to go stare down some chick embryos for my exam :| lol.. HAVE FUNNN!!
Krista's reply: Ahhh Nikki! You're Step Brother's quote killed me! I am actually considering a road trip to Ikea to see if I can actually fit bunk beds in my tiny dorm room! haha
A course in the Bahamas...what?!?! dude thats friggin awesome! Congrats!!! You're going to have an amazing time and come back BLACK, then we can be twins lol
YESSSS! Take a vacation here, you deserve it!!! End of summer is fine with me...actually any time would be okay for me, because I just won't go to class!! simple as that!
By the time you read this, your exam will be OVER! I hope it went well!
Okay, gotta finishing packing...I'm heading to the airport soon!
Miss ya <3
i told you i'd be checking your blog right away :P
your new photos are amazing! it looks like you've been busy traveling around aussie-land.the scenery looks be-a-utiful! i would be going camera crazy! haha.
i can't believe you tried surfing! can't wait to hear about it on skype :)
hopefully i will catch you on there tonight when i'm back form the gym!
miss ya,
ps-i think your res room is actually nicer than yorks. this one looks roooomy wiht your your own closet/area with a mirror.
pps-i am loving how the photo of us is on your bulletin board. make sure to check your mail sometime next week!!
Krista's reply: Alzzzz! It was great skyping with you this afternoon....errr, your midnight lol I miss you guys soooo much, you have no idea! I def. wish I had your amazing camera on all my trips here...then again, it would probably get covered in sand and get ruined lol and yes, I must agree that my room here kicks York res in the butt...I love my closet space!!! I'm going to check my mail religiously in the next little while! Keep in touch! talk soon!
Hey Krista!!
so i think ive decided that i need to stop reading your blog until i am done school. your life is infinitely better than mine right now and i am very jealous!! haha.
the whole voice thing stinks but im sure that will go away soon enough! plus its always funny trying to talk to people when you lose your voice so it should make for some interesting conversations!!
so you know im getting more and more convinced that i need to come visit you!! what is better then travelling?! nothing!!
well anyways i should go back to studying for my exam.. BUT i hope you have a great birthday weekend adventure and i cant wait to hear about it!! and in 11 days when my classes are over i am going to think of really cool mississauga things to do and rub them in your face. (seeing as there isnt anything cool to do in mississauga -- especially compared to aussie land you can pretty much disregard that last sentence!! lol)
also i would like to note that i had no idea you could respond to the messages on the bored.. haha i didnt notice that until i just saw alys "alys reply to krista" then i scrolled down and was like cool shes been replying!! haha who knew!! (apparently ive become more dense since you left)
Krista's reply: NIKKI!!!! I need to start off my saying how I read your message in the middle of my gender studies lecture and I literally laughed out loud!!! like my professor acutally looked at me haha. Don't you could be living the life right here beside me! In fact, I think that should be your new summer plan: move to Melbounre...we could get an apartment and we'll do it up HUGE....or better yet, to save your rent money, you can live underneath by bed...OR we could splurge and get BUNK BEDS! I am so down!
I hope your exam went well...which I am sure it did because you're a ballerrrrr and just think, you're going to be back in BIG M so soon!!! and then u can rave about all the lovely meadowvale things...such as Tuturle Jacks haha.
Oh yes, I keep very up to date on my blog reply's! I need to keep my connection to home very strong or I might get homesick!!!
Miss you too!
Keep in touch :)
hey kris
I didnt get hurt at hockey? Who were u talking to you justin i think he thought i was dead haha. It was probbaly when i got smokedin front of the net and my helmet came off and the girl was still punching me. ha to funny the team hates me. anyways love the pics and miss u!
Krista's reply: Heyyyy! Humm...ya I think it was my mom who said Justin said u got hurt @ hockey....well, I'm glad u didn't get too injured! I'm gonna miss going to your games this season! but when I come home, I'm going for sure!!! Well I better get to class! Miss you! COME VISIT!
Alys Reply To Krista...haha
i wish i could come after exams! i'm broke, i def. do not have enough for a flight lol. let me know when your breaks are again in case i manage to save up enough.
bahaha lollie, love it. you're like the foreign kid we used to always talk to in res because we found them 'interesting' haha. there's no aussie in my class, this boy lived in south africa for 9 years, his accent slips out every so often and it's so nice to listen to lol.
i'll send you my school schedule in an email and we can figure out a day and time to skype again :) miss you!!!
i am jealous of:
a) your botanical garden field trip!
b) your future trip to sydney
c) your constant trips to the beach
d) your really hot weather/your tan
e) boys with accents...however i found one in my class and befriended him, muahaha.
point of this post, i am very jealous and living vicariously through you.
i hope you feel better soon! all of that nonsense def. sounds like York, ugh. wish i was going to be there for your birthday weekend. this stupid strike ruined everything, if i don't have a job in september and have enough money i'm cominggggg! lol
ps- i love the postcards, they're on my bulletin board. expect a little something from me soon :)
Krista's reply: ALZZZZZ! I loved ur message haha. Don't be jealous...you can come too! Just book a flight out as soon as your done your exams!!! remember, you can stay with me for FREE! You have an Aussie in your class at York? thats awesome. In some of my classes, I am the ONLY international student, which makes me very interesting to all the other Aussies, some profess their love for Canada's "lollies" (aka candy)...Reese's Pieces is the most common haha. I'm glad your getting my mail, I love sending it!! We need to skype asap! let me know what time is good for you!
Tina Sanghavi
hey krista
im so sorry about the other day
my laptop died on me sorry
anyways just an update, I got the job in Korea
Krista's reply: Hey! Congrats! Thats awesome, you must be so excited! I hope you DO IT!!!! It'll be an awesome expereince...I might have to make another trip to Korea lol..keep me posted!
I'm uber jealous. I want your life, minus the sickness, haha.
I'm sent you a letter, I hope you get it soon!
Miss you tons and wish I could be there for your bday weekend.
PS - Can we go to Sydney when I come? haha
Krista's reply: ASHHHH! Dude I totally emailed you so long about your plans to visit Australia lol...I hope it didn't get lost in cyber space..I just wanted to give you my school schedule...I think my dad is coming during semester break, so make sure you talk to me before you make any plans (on Skype?! You need to add me!) and YES, we can def. go to Sydney when you visit...the flights are sick cheap! We can go for a long weekend! miss ya
ps- I'm super excited for mail! I swear I write at least 2 letters a week haha
Mom + Lino
Hi Krissta!!!
First, make sure you go to the doctor's TODAY and get something for your sore throat. Absolutely LOVE your pictures and in less than 1 month I will be there with you!!! Can't wait to hang out at the beach and visit Sydney-totally will enjoy a full MONTH of doing that! We have to explore all those cities you haven't seen yet. Can you get the whole month off school? Justin & Danielle say HELLLOOOOO-BTW it is +10 (that's WARM for us) and Justin's walking around in SHORTS? hahaha
*I will send you our cruise pictures to your personal email.
Darlene & Frank
Hi Krista, sounds amazing. Are you really attending school or just plain having fun. Everyone here is fine. Going to Seneca with Grammie, Theresa and Connie for a few days. Maybe I'll win the big one. Take care and keep blogging.
hey kris i called you at home and your wernt home booo haha but left u a message olol and then tried to cal ur cell but got cut off ha ok love ya bye
Krista's reply: HEY!!! I GOT YOUR MESSAGE!!!!! haha...I was out all day! I just got in... I would call you, but its like 5am where you are lol....I answered a random call on my cell but it got cut off, so that was YOU!! awwww...too bad! Hopefully I'll catch you next time! miss ya!