I just got back from the Airport, Mom is on here way, Look Out. Make sure she comes back, she's only there for a month don't let here convince you to have here stay another month.
Ok we will Skpe later
Take care
Krista's reply: Yup, no worries...mom should be here in a few hours! You can call us late Wednesday evening for you! Talk soon!
Pics are awesome kris!!! looks like alot of fun
Miss ya
Apparently students in Korea think Canada is Australia. They think Canberra is the capital of Canada. The penguin things sounds awesome, I'm jealous. Wildlife is pretty scarce here, I think they've eaten most of it.
Happy Belated birthdayyyyy!
I am so glad you got the card. I thought it got lost! lol
Happy Belated Bday, sorry for the lateness I had some serious transportation issues on my way back home. I'll be skyping you soontime, hope everything is kosher on your end. Miss you!
Krista's reply: BRENDEN! Ur homeeee!! Glad to here you're back safe and sound in the Big M!! You must be so excited to see everyone! I'm sad that I missed your big return, but I'm coming up to Queens when I get back to visit! Yes, Skype is my new best friend, you can find me on there any time!!! *hugs* keep in touch!
Nikki Scheerer
your trip sounds awesome!! im glad you had a good time!
i cant wait to see the bridge climbing pictures!!
Krista's reply: Problem A- I need to find scanner!!!! I have looked everywhere on this campus! its so annoying!! I might have to mail you a photocopy haha
KRISSS!!!! I'm glad you had a good time on your trip!!! What an awesome way to spend your bday!!! I really really really hope you find the real world houseeee... :)
Miss you sooo much. The house isnt the same without you ;)
Krista's reply: Awwww Melly, I miss you guys at the house too! My little dorm room just doesn't cut it. But we're gonna do it up BIG when I get back!!! and don't you worry, I'm not leaving Sydney until I find that house!
I sent you snail mail birthday message yesterday....(yeah, late, my bad), but I'm saying HAPPY BIRTHDAY on here anyways.
Love you and miss you greatly!
hey krista!
Happy b-day my love!!! Have a good day!
LOve michelle xoxoxoxo
Krista's reply: Awww thanks!!! It was amazing!!! Keep in touch! miss you!
Happy Birthday!!
hope your birthday adventure was fantastic!!!
cant wait to hear about it!!!
Krista's reply: Thanks Nikki!! I had a great time in Sydney! I updated my blog just for u! Enjoy!!! Have fun packing up!!!!
Check your inbox and snail mail birthday girl!! :)
Krista's reply: Alz!! I emailed you back! and I checked my mail box this morning...not luck yet! Keep ya posted!