get off the beach and post some photos!! gah so jealous that you were getting ready for the beach while i was getting ready to go out in the cooooold. sounds like you're having way too much fun :P
oh the post below me reminded me to comment on your hotel mishap. haha wtf?! that is ridiculous and i cannot believe you put the thing in the freezer, haha. does it still work?
anywho miss ya tons, have fuuun and keep soakin' up that sun!
Hello Krista
I'm so happy you made it too Austraila, I bet your enjoying the sun while were here freezing our asses off. I'm glad your flight was good.
I can see you now panicking about the small mishap in your room in Korea. (ha ha) We could of come over to clean up the mess if it would of done any damage. Well hopefully you will enjoy the rest of your stay. Be careful and have lots of fun.
Love Ya
PPS - I got your postcard in one piece, haha.
Krista's reply: WHOOO! I'm so glad u got the post card! I sent out an email to all the girls with all my contact info, so hopefully you got it!!! I'm have been slacking with a my blog but its because they have us on such a tight schedule! but this weekend I am going to do a massive update! I miss you and I really hope you can come out and visit <3 PS- GET SKYPE!
Hey Krista,
Hope you are enjoying being in sunny Australia!! I sent an email to your YorkU account. I need you to send me a copy of our Progress Report (the one we did over the talked about how we began our project, the challenges we faced - it was in paragraph form, and i think we incorporated the outline too).
Thanks:) Karla
Wow, I can't believe you are already leaving Korea! Two weeks really flew by...
I can't wait for the Austraila blog! I'm so excited to read all about it.
Miss you <3
PS - Have you read the book yet?
OMGGGGG Kris!!! Australiaaaaaaaaaaa!! :D:D:D
PS: I loved talking to you on skype. we need to do it again sometime so we can update each other on our lives. :)
Hi Krista,
It looks like you're having a great time - Sure do miss you around here - it just isn't the same! Your photos are great - you'll have lots of memories and thanks for sharing them with us all. Keep in touch!
i was at a teaching conference/workshop today and one of the speakers was australian and from melbourne! made me think of you :)
Krista's reply: Hey Alz!!! I'm pretty pumped for the accent!! haha I can't believe I am leaving tomorrow! Oh and to answer your previous msg...YES, the floors here ARE heated!!...weird eh? haha miss ya!
your right about you slacking in your blogs haha jk! When do u leave for australia? I forget. anyways have fun kris miss ya and love ya!!!!!!
Krista's reply: Hey you!!! I'm leaving tomorrow!!!! I wrote a new blog just for u!!! Miss you <3
kris i agree with laura you MUST let us know about the flooring. it sounds magical...haha.
and i also agree with laura on doing something crazy... except i think you should go all out. are you ready for my suggestion? dun dun should help the fellow koreans in their annual kimchi making tradition! haha i know you love it. <3
And also, please let us readers know if the hardwood floors are in fact self heating. You can't just leave us hanging like that…
Thank you for camming with me at 4am the other day listening to my rant (my funny, funny rant). This is why I love you.
Also, I have a surprise for you, but I'm not typing it, you're going to have to wait until we skype again. I told your mom this morning.
I missssssss you!
Take more pictures. and watch your video if you ever miss me too much (because of course you will).
I will see you on the flip side! (in this case the flip side is skype).
You only have a few days left there so do something crazy (or ill be MAD!) and Lino, if you're reading this, which I know you are, I dont mean something crazy like getting kicked out of the country! haha.