Hey Kris!!!!!!! Thanks for letting me go on a rant today about life lol.. We need to skype again soon asap. 2 more weeks of hell for me then im done :D i cant wait!!!!
Miss you <3
Krista's reply: I hope you are enjoying my serious "rant" emails haha.
kris your photos from the outback are awesome. i am tres jealous.
have you met any serious didgeridoo players yet?
i'm almost done my week from hell, once i am let's skype!
miss ya <3
Krista's reply: Hey Alz!! whoooo ur almost done!!! thank god, eh? I have about 2ish weeks left of class...time is flying by!!!!! then its off exploring!!!! We need to skype again for sure, I'm always online so hit me up! :) Miss ya!
Your pictures are gorgeous.
I miss you!
Krista's reply: Ash! I sent you a mother of an email! I hope you got it!!!!! We'll talk soon! miss you!!!
and i watched the video i made for you today and it made me want to get on the next flight lol
Krista's reply: COREEEEE! You're MIA right now on msn!!! I miss youuuuu x 100000! I just went to check my mail, no post card yet! But I'm sure it will come this week! We need to skype soon! I am leaving for Brisbane on Thurday, so pencil me in early next week k? Love ya!
haha i love your new pictures but i hate how i can't comment on them!
i miss you! i got your post card today! did you get mine yet?! if you havent then im scared someone else in aussie is reading it right now...knowing my luck it's in the hands of some bloke...lol
hey kris!!
I was just wondering if u could email me or if u see me online could u message me. I want to know how to make one of these blogs. Linz is leaving for europe on monday till november so I said i woiuld get one started and they want it to be private. so get back at me when u can! Bye and miss u
xoxoxoxo michelle
i got your post card today! love it.
i guess that other one got lost in mail.
your photos with your ma are cute. that Dockard? building is soooo cool!
Nooo wayyyyy
You visited Shawn in Korea? I'm jealous =p
hows it going? Im sure yoour having a blast with your mom. I wanted to ask you if u could look for shoes for me down there. they are called sanuk shoes and check how much they are. I think u would find them in surf shops. let me know thanks buddy. Missing you! xoxox
Just dropping in to say have fun with your Mom! You guys will have a blast, I'm sure.
<3 Miss ya!
i hope you and your ma have fun!!
i'm sure she's enjoying the warmer weather :P
miss ya!!
im so happy that ur mom is going there to visit you. Im sure it will be a blast because she is a blast! Tell her i say hello and we will get together when she gets back! Miss ya love ya
Krista's reply: YESSSS! She'll be here in a few hours! I can't wait!!!! I'll keep you posted! Miss you!