Edinburgh's (Almost) Gone With the Wind.....
Hey everyone! Its been a while hasnt it....ive wanted to get to the computer to write a blog for sometime now but its been so busy here weve hardly had the time, but I will try harder my friends, I promise.
So what to talk about, what to talk about......I gotta say theres not too much exciting going on these days.....pause..............not (sorry jrock I stole that one from you).
So where to start. Well, in a week I believe Meaghan gets here. It will definitely be nice to see someone from the old neighbourhood again......Its hard to tell if Lukes getting excited yet lol (dont know if you can detect sarcasm through a computer). But seriously weve got some good things planned for when she arrives.
Weve booked a tour for the island of Skye up in the north of Scotland next weekend, June the 20th. Skye is supposed to be beautiful and Ive only heard good things. The tour also goes through Loch Ness and Stirling, so maybe we'll be able to solve the mystery of the Loch Ness Monster and say hi to William Wallace on the way! It will definitely be fun times.
The weekend after we have also decided to climb up Ben Nevis (see above picture). Weve already begun "training" (us huffing up Arthurs Seat, about one third the size). Fun fact, Ben Nevis is the tallest mountain in the entire United Kingdom. It is also part of a series of mountains called the Munros. Thats right Adrian, your family is named after a bunch of mountains. So stay tuned because Luke, Meaghan and myself will CONQUER the Munros and plant a giant flag on the top (cue shameless touristy picture opportunity). So Adge, stay tuned for the pics on that one haha.
While there is a ton of excitement ahead sadly we are also leaving Edinburgh in just over two weeks. We have both handed in our notice to leave our jobs and will be travelling come July once more (although on seperate paths). Edinburgh has been a pretty awesome town and weve made some pretty awesome friends. While I dont think our jobs or living space were the ideal situations, the city of Edinburgh and the people weve met have more than made up for that.
Edinburgh has also been a great learning experience, and I feel that while working in the UK is not much different than at home, the experience of looking for a job, finding a place to live, paying bills, making new friends, and putting yourself in a completely new environment has been an incredible one. I definitely feel like weve grown as people on this trip, which is exactly what you hope for on a trip like this.
I think Edinburgh has been an opportunity to soul search, brainstorm and just think about careers, home, friends, family, and just life in general. I do believe though, that we are probably leaving Edinburgh at the right time. Many of our good friends here have already left, and most are pretty much leaving by the end of June.
I am also very excited about travelling in the summer as I will be giving it a go on my own and splittin off from Luke and Meaghan to become a true rambler lol. I think it will be another great learning experience and Im really excited about that.
I know that they are really excited to travel as well, as it will be Meaghan's first backpacking experience. Plus theyre making it to some gorgeous places like Croatia and Hungary maybe, which I wont be able to go to due to money constraints....sigh, oh well Ill just have to live with Greece, Italy and Turkey...damn haha.
So its probably about time to wrap this sucker up. Ive got two more weeks of selling tickets to soccer hooligans than Im back on the road and back for more action. Let the adventures begin, again!
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