Why must all good things come to an end?
And do they always have to come to an end? Why must life be a struggle between the good times and the "work" times? There must be a way to merge the two....maybe Ill firgure that out some day.
In the meantime though, Ill stop the philosophical questioning so as not to bore you to death. I could philosophise all day but I want you to keep reading. So to keep you semi interested Ill continue with the travel stories. Thats what were here for right?
Two days ago I took the bus in Istanbul to the airport. After an hours ride through the sprawling metropolis of Istanbul I finally arrived at the airport and boarded my plane. Sometimes I do wonder though, why they even put you on the plane when they do, because for whatever reason we just sat on the plance for about 30 minutes. 30 minutes with no ac and about 2000 passengers all breathing hot air and sweating in the baking sun and 35 degree Turkish weather. Fun stuff I tell ya.
Finally we got airbourne and we landed in London. Well not "London" but Luton to be specific. So I took a bus down into the city. While I was sad to leave Istanbul, it was a great city, I was excited to get to London for a couple reasons. First off, I had never been to London despite the fact I was living in the UK for 3 months. A bit odd but its the truth. Second, I was meeting up with our Colombian friends that we had met in Scotland awhile back and I was really looking forward to seeing them.
So after stepping off the plane and going through customs it hit me. I was back in the UK! By back in the UK I dont mean I was shocked to be there, au contrare mon frere. I had forgotten somehow that it actually gets cold there, and wet. I should have learned from my time in Scotland. But there I was looking like an idiot, standing outside the terminal in shorts and a t-shirt while it was raining and everyone was wearing what looked like parkas. Does the UK ever get summer? Thats a rhetorical question, no need to ponder that one, we all know the answer.
Finally though, I made my way to London and met up with Adriana and Lina. They came and met me outside the underground and we walked to their place. We caught up for a bit and I met some of their roommates. I also gave them some shotglasses to commemorate the first time I met them (this story is for another time and place but it involves tequila and bus rides so you could imagine what its like...quite funny though). We watched City of God after on their laptop, which was amazing by the way. Don't know if it represents life in South America well as Ive never been there, but it was def worth watching.
In the morning Lina and Adriana had a lot to do as they are headed back to Colombia in a few days. So I dove into London head first on my own. I made my way to the British Museum, which was quite incredible. It was probably the most amazing museum I have been in to date, there were more artifacts from around the world than any place I have been in.
After digging around the museum and picking up my jaw (nice pun eh?) I did some souvenir shopping. Man Im such a tourist. But when in Rome......I mean London. I was disappointed to not be able to haggle anymore though. Its good fun haggling with the shopkeepers even when you dont get a deal. Nope, it was back to sticker tags and no eye contact when you made your purchase. Niiiiice.
Next I made my way to Parliament and a massive, rowdy protest. Ok, not so much massive or rowdy but some lady yelling through a loud speaker with a bunch of tents around her. She tried using a bunch of big words and convoluted sentences to describe her anger at the British Parliament. She used words like "idiot" and "moron" and "baby killers" and "dumbasses," quite technical if you ask me. I was impressed, but dont know if Parliament was. Didnt quite see anyone send out the negotiators to stop the demonstration or anything. But you could tell it was working, definitely (can you detect sarcasm through a computer? Another philosophical q for life).
Upon leaving the effective protest I walked to Westminster Abbey, the famous church were royals present and past have been hitched Vegas style. Or at least British style. It was quite beautiful but Ive seen one too many cathedrals lately so you could excuse me for forgoing the 12 pound sightseeing fee.
After leaving the Abbey I was exhausted and I made my way back to Adriana and Lina's. They were having some Colombian/English friends over to party down with and I met everyone and we made our way to a bar. Fun was had by all and it was awesome to meet everyone.
Ive said it before and Ill say it again, South Americans have been some of the coolest and kindest people I have met travelling. They are usually very generous and outgoing, it always makes it easy to hang out with them, even if we dont speak the same mother tongues. I will definitely have to make it down that way some time in my life to experience the continent, there is much to see and do.
Getting back to business, I spent my time today doing some more souvenir shopping, some more sightseeing and just general wandering around. While some people have spoken poorly about London, Ive quite enjoyed my few days here despite the high costs of the city. But if I was here for awhile maybe it would be a different story, who knows.
Ive also spent my time pondering the past little while and things to come. To be honest its been a battle in my head the last couple days over leaving. Im very excited to go home and see everyone, I miss everyone for sure, but at the same time part of me doesnt want to leave. Ive had probably the best six months of my life and I dont want that to end. But who knows, maybe it doesnt have to, Im not going to stop travelling after all.
Life however, is always changing and moving forward, evolving. So it is on to a new challenge and new adventures when I get back. Well at least to Canada for now to see all the great people at home and to share some stories. Its been awhile hasnt it?
See you all soon.
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