Hello East Africa! Flew into Nairobi this morning at 6... (about 3am Ghanaian time so I wasn't looking particularly attractive as you can imagine) and WOW! Already, its such a huge difference from West Africa. First of all, its freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezing! Im wearing long pants and a shirt plus a long sleeve top and still cold! But I love it, a very nice change after the 35 degrees average in sticky Accra.
Independance day celebrations were pretty intense - the streets were packed with people. Practically a walking mosh pit as people drummed and danced their way to independance square where everything was happening. The city was so colourful - the Ghanaian flag was everywhere, people were dressed in green, yellow and red, others were just painted those colours (yep, just paint!). The square was full by the time we, and thousands of others, arrived but was awesome to just soak up the celebrating spirit. The heat was exhausting (a good exuse to eat lots of frozen chocolate things on my last day!).
A sad goodbye to the other volunteers was followed by my last trip in a crazy ghanaian taxi...
But kenya is amazing already! Really beautiful, so green after the browness of where I came from. And the people are so much more used to seeing tourists that no one is staring at me - what a treat!
Off to Seychelles tomorrow - hello worlds greatest tan!
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