How I long to sunbathe in heat of 30 degrees and beyond! Went out in a sleeveless top and small skirt on Tuesday night (WITHOUT A JACKET!!!) and am now paying for it with a husky voice, a sniffling cold and a sore throat! But long gone for you two are the days of cold England! I'm with Chaz on the tourist point she made...come on you've left the west behind, with it you should leave the likes of Starbucks (though it pains me to say it!) and Maccy D's (not too bothered about saying that one really, although they do claim that Maccy D's in Singapore is the best value for money in the world...or was that Hong I think it was Singapore....anyway leave it behind and get eating Singapore-ian??? cuisine!). xxxxxxxxxxxx
well well well, i'm just really impressed that you actually got your lazy arses into gear and are now somewhere the other side of the world. i want to go there now... oh the exciting of my life is going ice skating and going to pig lectures...make sure you put pretty pictures on tinternet. look after yourselves and meet loads of cool people. oh yay. love you lots xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Got the voicemail. Speechless with rage that I am working to keep you on a sunbed! Small compensation is that our own sofa has now arrived --- and yes Mum fell asleep on it so it's passed the 1st test! Love SD
I cant believe you guys your fist night in a foreign country and you hit starbucks and maccy Ds! hahahah! glad your having a good time you tourists miss you love you both x
Hello!!! Can't believe your in singapore already! Say hi to everywhere 4 me! Including all the craaazy taxi drivers and that lovely thing called Lime Soda (Georgie try it if u haven't had it already!) go to little india and china town (loads of fakes if i remember rightly) and if u have time walk down to Holland village!!! Have a great time!
The Webb
will just post whatever you can carry now and ill pick the rest up over easter in person....whats that patrick family?? you would like me to move in indefinately? oh well, obviously im flattered...but are you sure thats appropriate i mean shes only been gone a matter of minutes? what? oh you dont care?
Hi Girlies,
You already sound like you're having a ball!! Have you hit orchard rd yet???Let me know when you have arrived safely in Melbourne.You'll be pleased to know that the weather should be fabulous there as well...mid 20s...(so much nicer than the lakes district!!!!)hehe
looking forward to seeing some pommies in OZ! xx
Did you guys get an e-amil from me? Just sent an email and not sure if it sent. Which is annoying. grrr
BECKY mate just saw your message, I know it was a restrained trip to skanky liverpool (to visit a spinster called Haz) but the tour will have to commence when I get back
Oi you rudies, here we are half way across the world and all you guys can worry about are the gifts we may or may not purchase and the well being of our belongings. Unfortunately, yesterday I sold georgie to a small chinese man for a reasonable sum as I made a decision that it will be cheaper to travel and far more profitable. Plus, she seemed to be prone to excessive sweating in the heat, which was starting to become a problem. I'm not sure if she can access the internet from where she is, but we'll see.
Miss you all loads, the flight was great, the veins are fine.
The patricks: I'll be expecting to see some of the rent from that lodger
Haz: I think you should accept the belongings of mine that you've stolen as a b'day gift
Chaddy: You're the favourite, so I'll get you the bracelet (in return you must become my slave)
Laura: Sorry about Georgie, a girls gotta do what she can to get by, look out for numero uno
Scoot: Yes, you fool you could have been in paradise
Rach: Was good to see you too, look after yourself on the streets of manchester
Muchos lovos to all my faves in the land,
Aw I hate you KP!!!!
Hi guys!!!
Thanks for all the messages! Sitting in sweltering heat... haven't stopped sweating since we got here (mmmm yummy) flight was fantastic- had a choice of 60... YES 60 movie channels and all these music albums... including McFly much to my delight!!) and the food was yummy and plentiful (for some reason they kept offering me and KP food all through the night...) Basically the hostel is also nice... tis a pool lounging day today me thinks... 30 degrees! Miss you, but glad I'm here, so not THAT much. Keep up with the messages, a reluctant congrats to little kitters for being such a geek and setting it up!
ps Big Sis, no Gucci bags so far... gonna hunt down a good fakes market on Friday I think. Love you XXXXXX
pps M&D hope you got the answerphone message I left yesterday, will call tonight- so that's afternoon for you I think. Mainly, we're safe and having a wicked time!!! Love you both xxxxxxxxx