You could call from Sing sometime today! We'd like to hear from you! LYL Dad
Nice stuff will. Er mainly the camera thing isnt working on these computers... so i shall have to see what can be done, it should work in oz tho. Off to melbourne tommorrow and its all very exciting so family... i should ring when i arrive but if finding a phone proves tough i call X PS I knew all along ellie loved me most.
Porgelette - we're going out to lunch at Cramond. Time difference is 8 hours so ring at 10.30 p.m. your time and we'll be back by Tooth Hurty - the well known Chinese dentist!
Billy Wiz
wohoo got a new guitar!! Yes Katherine its a fender, ill give you a photo later...speaking of photos where are yours? Yes tis true on the second day after you went Ellie was really sad and mopey! Oh and Harriet, i'll see you on sunday to hand over the rest of her belongings, and i'll throw in that damn cavalry charge alarm clock for just 14 extra pennies...anyway sounds like fun out the
Hey everyone! It's seems incredibly keen to be writing another message when we were only last online yesterday but it's a scorching afternoon here and having spent the entire morning in the pool, we thought it was time to take some time out from the heat. Obviously not been up to much since yesterday, except getting addicted to the American TV channel "Mediacorp 5"... we actually have a TV in our hostel room- can you believe it? Don't worry though, we don't watch it all day long, just when we get in at night and sometimes over lunch because it's just far too hot to eat outside... speaking of food, we ate at a Vietnamese place last night. Probably wont do that again. It's like cheap Chinese food. My chicken dish came with small bits of chicken complete with bone, skin, fat and grissle... we've decided it may be best to stick with vegetables in future! Mind you, we can hardly complain when it only cost us about 2.50! Tonight is the Chinese New Year parade on Orchard road so we're gonna head there at about half 7, then on to Clarke Quay for dinner. Don't worry parents- we're not spending all our money too fast, it really is sooooo cheap to eat out... and we have a fridge in our room which we stocked up with bread, cheese, tomatoes and salami for lunch. Had better go now but basically we're still having a great time but looking forward to going to Melbourne on Monday. Love you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
M & D- am calling you tonight!, Big Sis- Hope you're well, going to a flea market tomorrow so shall see what I can find! Tan, G, Fra thanks for the messages... glad life is good for all of you! keep writing them coz we love hearing from you!
Hey guys, seems like you´re having a great time! i hate this keyboard everything is in the wrong place! Arghhhh!
Hello there fellow travellers!! very glad to hear that your sitting there in 30c heat, whilst us fellow Patricks are sitting indors as it rains outside.....i swear im not jealous.....and that you are already having a fantastic time. Hope that you continue to enjoy yourselves, and keep in touch please!! Ellie says 'hey' Katherine, and has become extremely miserable since you departed on your adventure, and misses your conversations you used to have...she is sitting in her basket right now staring....just staring...its quite sad really......hmm anywayz love you lots and stay clean
all my love alice xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Just arrived at Eastwood House to read your amazing website! Missing you already (and your room looks really tidy says mum) Am overawed by the technology of communication with you, you know what a dinasour I am, but I am still learning! Its lovely to see that you are having a wonderful time in Singapor, and truly envious of all the sing slings. Lots of love Granny xxxxxxxxx
p.s I am wearing all my bling, i.e. the bracelet you gave me :)
(message typed by Granny's secretary Alice of course)
well its about time i wrote a message now... great to hear you guys are havin fun can't believe u guys now on other side of world and its actually happened!! only some time ago u were discussin it! but im not that jealous alas cos im going to america 12th june till september to go travelling and do camp america. excellent so excited. maybe not be ozzie and all the rest of the magical places but its good enough of me! uni life in leeds is still great fun, bin workin loads at my job now so life is chocka!! but still have time to go out on wednesdays my priority night out in creation! nice seeing some of u guys last week. started takin up sports again...finally mainly tennis excellent!!
lots of love
Uncle Phil
Recommend you try the Night Safari (next to the zoo) - at night. Also try Boat Quay / Clarke Quay in the evening. Botannic Gardens are a must if you haven't been already. If you are still there on Sunday, you might try one of the hotels for brunch (all you can eat & drink for a relatively modest price) - the Conrad used to be good.
Somewhat jealous...
Georgie (Mann)
I'm shocked at the organisation kp, working life has obviously changed you! It's really nice to hear how you guys are doing. I'm not going to say that i'm jealous, cos i'm having a wicked time here at uni but sure as hell i'm gonna make sure that i do some travelling soon! Would love to see some pics but please avoid posting any sweating minging ones, thanks. Love you both and miss you loads
g x
See what your anxious parents do first thing? Log on!
KP, how come you haven't lost her yet? We paid you better than that. Try the zoo by all means - she does a mean 'Funky Gibbon'. Meanwhile the paymasters go back to work.................