Wow the pictures are amazing! KP I had to squint when I looked at you so that your skin didn't look TOO sickeningly brown...Georgie I'll still be your friend cause I didn't have to squint when I looked at you! You're a nice English rose like me. Lol. No you both look so happy in all the pictures and with stunning backgrounds like the endless sunset and those gorgeous beaches and gardens, who wouldn't be?! Wow it is just beautiful. Like a film. I was actually audibly sighing with jealousy as I flicked through those photos. Did I mention how beautiful it all looked?! Really really is. Awww. So pretty. Lots of love xxx
Hmmm............ too many men in these photos - and more as time goes by. Georgie, just airily drop it into the conversation - early on mind - that your father is a trained killer. KP, see she does.
Great to see the pictures. Now we can see the worst and we're thinking that imagining what is happening has its advantages! A small point to keep in mind is the site has slowed down dramatically, probably as a result of all the pics being uploaded, so you may want to think about taking earlier ones out as you add new ones. I contacted Peter Hearl - Helen is in Sydney and would love to see you/feed you. I have emailed her number to you, so take a look at your inbox. All well here. Weather has momentarily warmed up-the temp was a whopping 16C yeterday, so I was able to remove ,my thermals. LYL Dad
Georgie And Kp
Wow, you complaining lots had better be grateful- 3 and a half new photo albums to feast your eager eyes on. Enjoy! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Check the photos guys, KP just updated them xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Big Sis
Hello Porgie one, (and Kitrick of course)
Glad to hear your both still alive and weren't eaten by fish, I'm fine - last week of uni so bit hectic, been polishing off a few essays and trying to decide on my modules for next year aswell as deciding what an earth to do my dissertation on, don't think harry potter is a valid choice unfortunately. Had an amazing time at Jes's 21st saw a lot of old faces from the likes of Uppingham etc, was good fun. Heading back to sunny edinburgh on friday to start work at Finnegans again tro make some money and then of course the event of the year my 21st, think im going to spend a lovely day with mum then maybe head out with the crew in the evening. The Colmans job was a little embaressing but as mum always says beggars (or skint students) cant be choosers. Missing you loads Porgie, you'll have to call when im home so we can have a proper chat and you can tell me all the things that are way too scandalous to put in these messages!!! BIg kisses to you both mwah mwah Laura xxx
cant believe you saw real cowboys and a so jealous. am at work now but quiet and bored so smoking and drinking...hmmm not good. make cowboy contacts for me. love you lots keep having fun love to hear what your up to although insanely jealous. xxx
Darn it - Wrong button! Love Dad (& Mum)
Porge, Sorry you missed us by 'phone but we have to go to work to keep you out there! I suggest if you ring about 8-9 in the morning you'll catch both of us going to bed. Ringing at your bedtime doesn't work unless Mum is on a late or off!
Hi Girls,
Easter holidays beginning Friday, can't wait for them actually, uni is good but tiring! Need to catch up on some sleep! Got exam results last week so now feel less obliged to work, completely the wrong attitude to take, I know, but passing it all gives you a sense of that a word...anyway yes was feeling damn proud of myself as I got my first first! Woohoo the work does pay off sometimes! This is my way of justifiying my reasons for going straight to uni without a gap year...something I often think was a mistake but then it's times like this that I'm reassured it was the best thing for me! Even though I am still jealous as HELL of you two and your amazing adventures. When does the adventure end? I know a few people have been asking so thought I'd join them and find out when you're home? Also, where's your next stop? Have lots more fun! Great to read the updates! Lots of love, Becky xxx
***********Hi all I know that loads of people look on this site as they have nothing else better to do, or they genuinely care!! Anyhoo just to say good bye to all I know I leave in about an hour for the beginning of the journey and in 2 days time I shall be in Madagascar. Just to say I miss most of you (stonio not included!) only in jest, I do genuinely miss you all! and I will be in touch when I get back! Also thanks KP and Georgie for having this website which saves me finding all my e-mail adresses and can keep up my good ole lazy tradtion! xXscootXx***********
hiya guys!! its been a while since i last wrote can't believe how much stuff you seen its amazing especially the snorkalling in the beach cowboys wow everything. i mean i see that all the time in leeds...not. not much happening uni life. going home on saturday for about 2 weeks. should be good. still going out. ran out of money not good its poo :( but working loads at job to get loads :D boys still suck....keep looking out for the aussie guys and bring them back to uk boys are annoying me in leeds!! playing loads of tennis at the moment. had lunch with sam on monday then after that bumped into ali chalmers so will be seeing him out 2night with a load of home mates, uni mates ah its madness! effort to go to the gym still hasn't happened!! and uni work has all been completed a week early so am very impressed with myself, although it was only a database...hey im not complaining!! have fun, party loads, keep up with sighseeing and make me even more jealous! have fun