And of course we are glad to know it is now all behind you.
Sounds to me like a complete pain in the posterior - brought back memories of old unrepeatable Ausssie jokes with punch lines like 'Yer gonna doi!' Poor Porge and how unprivate. Always knew KP would be a good nursemaid but never thought she would stoop to suck the poison out! Also brought back happy memories of you on crutches hobbling into Lancaster - funny but I'd quite forgotten you'd broken your leg. Mum and I send our love too but just ask you mind what you reverse up to and park on in future. No more butt punctures! love SD
Hi everyone... just to confirm- I am indeed recovering after my brush with death. I honestly cannot remember such pain since I broke my leg. What a shock. Not so much the sting itself but the remarkable male interest in the situation. I've never had so many peopl eager to look at my bum.
I've just read KP's message myself and I am surprised to say that there is absolutely NO exageration in her account of that fateful night. And yes, I did indead sleep like a baby while she nursed me. Bless her. Apart from all that kerfuffle... which I have to admit, made the night a lot more exciting that it initially looked... Fraser was awesome. So incredibly beautiful. Just wait for the photos- you'll be so jealous! Hahahahaha. We're in another hicksville for tonight. Every town is starting to look the same... most are just overnight spots to get to places like Fraser Island and the Whitsundays so they're all very similar. We're itching to get to Sydney now.
Right well must be off, take care everyone... keep the messages coming! Allira- yes twas I that called... when is a good time to catch you? In Sydney from 28th-2nd so not long... would love to see you! Amanda- best of luck with all you auditions and thanks for leaving me a message at last!!! Family- I love you and miss you still. Mwah xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sup' dudettes and small dudes. Have just grabbed myself a good few internet hours, so of course, this was my first port of call. Firstly, have just arrived in mooloolaba. A special town for surfers and hicks, which makes for an interesting surfer dude/mullet/truck combination, which makes it popular with young and old alike. Georgie and my fine self have had a seriously action packed few days. We went to an enormous island called fraser where we spent 2 days and 1 eventful night. Its a beautiful place, sand dunes, crystal clear lakes, tropical rainforests etc. One of the lakes was so blue it actually made your eyes hurt, and the sand was whiter than white with natural cleansing agents in, so our nails (and my teeth cos someone told me to brush them with the sand...) are sparkly and our skin is super soft. ANYHOO on to the more important banter, so, georgie and I have finished playing an innocent game of pool at the beach resort we're staying at. Its been fun, we've just lost to a tour guide and a couple of people from his tour, so we get chatting and the guide tells us that at this time of year in the sea there is a special algae that glows when disturbed. So, off we all troop to the beach, where sure enough as we shake our hands and feet in the surf tiny particles start to sparkle, like baby stars and glitter. Its very cool stuff, but soon georgie tires of my frolicking and yelling about how awesome it is, and sits down (wearing a skirt) on the sand. Soon, I hear a small cry from where she sits "Ouchies I've been stung by something." I give it 5 minutes, as the sea is just so very shiny, when soon the cry develops to a hearty scream. I grab georgie, who tells me her leg is losing feeling. So, I grab the tour guide and his cronies and we all march to the bar, where on further investigation we discover that our very own georgie has managed to full on sit on a bluebottle jellyfish. Plain as day, on her backside. Not on her arm, leg, hand or foot. That would be too easy. So instead she has to lie on her front while we monitor the sting. Typical aussies, remark "Oh yes, thats a bluebottle alrighty" then wander off to throw things and spit. Some bright spark suggest vinegar and/or urine. We opt for vinegar as the logistics of peeing on your bum isn't likely. Well, being an island and all, theres only balsamic vinegar on offer. Wonderful, I think. With a panicked, very much in pain georgie on one arm and two japanese tourists along for the entertainment who keep trying to clean her shoes (please, no questions) all I've got is balsamic vinegar. Make me a salad why don't you. So we pour it on, but what a shock, it does as much as sitting on another stinger. So back to the bar, where I ask if there is a form of doctor, no they say. OK, on an island, teeming with pure breed dingoes, bull sharks, great whites, 5 of the worlds most poisonous snakes and wild pigs (they scare me the most) theres no doctor. First aid kit is then whipped out, where they give me aftersun for it. Whilst pulling my hair out, georgie is seriously dwindling, and i decide to take her to the room, as there seems to be a small crowd gathering around her. I ask what i should do if she passes out on me (as bluebottles are deadly), to which they "Oh, well, you could try calling reception, but there mightn't be anyone there." Great I say. So I become a nurse and take ice, the aftersun and neat whisky (no, but it might've helped) put her in bed and ice her bum for 3 hours while she falls asleep. Kp's bedtime 4am. Time of sting 11.30pm. Georgie has pulled through the experience, and swears to this day she will never sit on a jellyfish again. Wise words I say. Wise words.
Hey george,
did you call my house the other day? my bro said that ' a girl called georgie from england rang'....... i'm assuming it's you! Hope all is well. The photos are fantastic. Do call again, can't wait to hear from you soon! otherwise just tell me your contact number(s)
Hello from a very sunny warm Edinburgh just got back from dropping Laura off at work the town looks lovely with all the daffs out . loolie is working from 3 this afternoon until 2am I certainly do not envy her . Lots of rugby matches today for the 6 nations so she will be mega busy . I do hope Fraser Island has been all you expected and I love the latest pictures I can imagine beeing there with you, well, nearly anyway. Much love from all of usxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hey KP.
I finally managed to get the link to your website. Have had a quick look and seems like your having a fab time. Ive heard that your developing a nice tan, just make sure you remove your flip flops now and again...stripy feet dont look good!
I bet your really missing the Hockey. I know you would love to play in artic conditions we have experienced recently. Anyway on a positive, we now have lovely weather here, so ill be out no doubt this weekend trying to get a tan to compete with yours.
Hope your having loadsa fun.
Hope to hear from you soon.
hi there GEORGIE!!! sorry i have not been in touch, been really busy, rubbish excuse!! anyway glad you are spreading the word of DEAD and WHAT WOULD YOU RATHER! auditions going well, just had the one at welsh college and got a recall wooooo hoooooo. Enrolling the help of young fin to help me out with new speeches. anyway life pretty much the same. nothing really new. ill email you properly when i get the chance. miss you loads and loads!!! mwah ha ha ha ha xxxxx
Just to add my pennyworth on the photos - terrific - keep 'em coming David Bailey. Its a little scary to see Nance and Frank because they haven't aged at all since we saw them five or six years ago! Perhaps there is a timewarp in Melbourne about which we know nothing....LYL xxxxooooo
Kp Photographer Extrondinaire
Hiya guys. Glad to see you're enjoying the photos, it took us 1 million hours to organise. We've still got many more to put on as well... So we'll update them again when we can bring ourselves to stare at a screen for that many hours. Also, all those photos are saved on random computers all over hervey bay, not quite sure how to delete the folders, but oh well. It makes more sense now when people look at us strangely in the streets, it could quite possibly be because we are their new screen savers. Ho hum. Oh... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO BUMBUMS!!!! YAYAY... SO very old and wise you are. We'll try and give you a ring tonight. Hoping that we'll be off to see fraser island tomorrow, should be ace. Tis' a world heritage listed site ahem, (feel like I'm name dropping) with awesome 90 mile beaches...lakes and rainforest. You can camp, but georgie and my fine self aren't quite keen on roughing it, doesnt match the cocktail image, so we'll be staying at a decent motel thing I think. Either way, hopefully it will be fun, 4WD driving and all that jazz, and much to georgie's delight....part of the coast is a breeding ground for bull and tiger sharks! I'm very excited. Although, not keen to lose any limbs. Its a tough one.
Ignore my message about the slow site this morning-it must have been something else! Now it's fine, so keep the pictures coming! LYL Dad xxxx
Georgie (Mann)
hey guys, sounds like your having a wicked time, good to finally see some photos, both looking like you're really enjoying it. kp you are way too brown for my liking and george i think you're getting that way too. bath is freezing still but gradually getting warmer. i've been so busy with work and lacroose. had a crit (assesment) today so now i'm finnished till the end of term! finally got exam results and i passed, they were only two weeks late! i was up in manchester yesterday for the BUSA (bristish university sports association) lacrosse shield final and we won, yay! was a really good game, so now i have another medel to add the the very slowly growing collection! i'm off home on friday then dublin in two weeks which should be good. keep us posted with your news, always good to hear
g x