Hi buttons. sorry it looks like i haven't written but last time it didn't put my post on which sucks!
Yay for america! you know that while you are in San Fran you have to find the Charmed house!!!!! and think of Eddie Izzard (Dressed to Kill!) (CAKE OR DEATH!
We had a fantastic day at thorpe park, pics aren't up for a saga of reasons and i hope to get my butt in gear next week! but tidal wave was excellent, tho it did open up a disturbing area of bjorn's personality. appartantly he LOVES to get wet! not done much else lately, but thinking of you all the time, and can't wait to see you!!! Lots of love and pancakes!!!!!!!! Capt. Booty
Hello Gorgeous girl. Your car is called Sylvia, that's so cute. What sort of car is it?
I wanted to see 27 dresses, is it good. I finally got round to watching Stardust. Amazing film, we both loved it.
Food sounds good, and your hostel sounds like a touch of luxury.
I miss you Sweetheart. Hope you feel better soon. Love you. Dxx
Hi Katie.
Hope the flights and stopover weren't toooo exhausting! Enjoy your time in California etc. Look forward to pics of the Grand Canyon especially.
Gran and Auntie Sue came over yesterday and stayed for dinner as Debbie was coming too. Bjorn had a day trip to Amsterdam and she came and watched the final big match of the season with me. Man U v Chelsea in the final of the Champions League (like the European Cup Final but with two Brit teams) in Moscow in the pouring rain! Man U won on penalties in the end. It was a good match and I think they should have shared it so noone lost!!
The sofa bed and your chair bed have arrived. Everyone says they like them which is a relief!
Have a super time.
Love you to the end of the World and beyond. XXXX
Hi Darling
Welcome to California. Hope you got lots of sleep in Aukland Airport, and on the plane. Did you watch any movies?
Another funeral next Tuesday, and then another on the 3rd June.
Bridge tonight!! First time for 4 weeks. We'll probably both be terrible, and have a major row!
Love you loads
Hello Sweetheart.
Sounds like you're having a cracking time, except for the weather, bit of a shame. Poor Jo, I hope her cold gets better soon.
Went to Thorpe Park on Friday. Had a really good time. It was a bit cold and completely over cast, but it only rained on the way there and on the way back, not a drop while we were actually there. However we did all get completely soaked. Went on all the water rides, Tidal Wave twice. The second time Daryl, Bjorn and Chris went on topless. Watch for Christine's photos, she'll be uploading them to Facebook soon (if she hasn't already.)
We've decided we want to go to Alton Towers for my birthday. You'll be back by then and so will have to come. Yay!!
I miss you darling. Love you. Debbiexx
Aunty Helen
Hi Katie
shame about the weather but good about the snorkling Not such good weather here this week either.
I bet yu are looking forward to LA - watch your money!!
love from us all.
Hey Honey
Sounds really nice. Lots of interesting things to do.
I've requested the week you come home off. That way Ican see the second half of Wimbledon, and come and pick you up from the airport with Mummy and Daddy. Then once you've slept off the jet-lag, I can see you on the Friday.
Love you Kitten. Dxx
Hi Darling
Sounds like you've been having a sensible rest before your next arduous and exciting spell. Sounds like we won't hear from you for a while. Sob, but never mind.
Your DVDs arrived safely. We WILL find time to watch them.
Mum, Deb and I went to see Chris in Romeo and Juliet on Saturday. It was very good. There was music, and Apalatian Clog dancing. Chris got to play his violin, and he was very good as Benvolio, Mercutio's mate. The principles were both in debut roles, but were also very good. At one point she leaps into his arms, and they are the long and short of it, so it was quite a feat, and very heart-warming.
We were told there would be nudity, and, in fact, they were naked in bed, as you could see when they hurriedly put clothes on, but we never saw any naughty bits, to Deb's huge relief; she was going to be well embarrassed witnessing this with her parents!!!!
It was good to talk to Chris over dinner before the show.
I'm off to London tomorrow to learn 'how to get noticed in cyberspace'
Lots of love - miss you
Dad xxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Kate.
I'll send off your acceptance for you. Have a great warm time in the Cook Islands. Don't worry if Jen's right and you can't afford to go online. Just have fun and tell us all about it afterwards.
Oceans of love. XXXX
Enjoy the Cook Islands! What plans have you got for them so far? Are you just staying on Raratonga or venturing to one of the others too? Aitutaki was beautiful and that's where shipwrecked and survivor are/were filmed too! How long are you going for? When I was there our mobile phones didn't work on their network and internet was a little tricky to find or afford! So I guess we'll all look forward to hearing all about your time there when you return to civilization! Have fun and enjoy the warmth after NZ! -has anyone told you that we've had a lovely week of warm mid 20's weather over here - well in Norfolk anyway! Take care.
Auntie Sue
Wow! What were you thinking about!!! The photos of your sky-dive are amazing, but give little idea what YOU could see as you fell. So glad you enjoyed it. Lots of love
Hey Sweetheart
All my coursework is in and I am free for the summer yay!! I have no other news, but I miss you and can't wait until July. Wish I could fast forward, even though I would miss Wimbledon.
Had long, crappy day at work, so I'm going to nap now but I love you lots and lots. Dxxxxx
ps I had crunchy nut cornflakes again for breakfast this morning.